Back from Lunacon

Mar 18, 2007 23:24

And I just realized, I never got my staff shirt. Phooey. I want my staff shirt.

Lessee, a MUCH better con than we've had since...prolly since we left the Escher Hilton in the first place. I met a bunch of new people (and Leigh made it a point to introduce me to a few of the pros that I've been programming for since '02, but had never officially 'met'), and they all reassured me that they'll be glad to help me out in the next year to make the transition over to head programmer suxxorz less. I also connected with a lot of the staff that I'd only just known peripherally before, and they also promised to help. I believe them a bit more.

I admit, I'm nervous. Programming has been pretty stellar these last 5 years, and I know what percentage of that is Leigh's doing versus how much is mine. I'd hate for next year to be a giant disappointment, especially since Jacqueline Carey's GOH next year. I should have held off till '09 or '10, and just put some poor schmuck I've never heard of and didn't care as much about in her place. This way, I wouldn't be having performance anxiety on top of performance anxiety.

Anyway, it was a good con. I had a better time this year, but less fun, if that makes sense. I felt a little lonely this year, because even when I was surrounded by friends I was generally busy with something else. And I went to only 2 panels that weren't my own, and panels are my favorite part of any con. So, while I felt that the con was overall a success, and was proud of my contribution to it, and had a much lower ratio of things that sucked vs things that ruled, my personal fun meter didn't go quite as high as it had in years past.

Damn responsibility. That is one of the bonuses of fully taking over for Leigh. I'll be in charge of off-site programming, so I can spend Lunacon in (relative) ease like he does, rather than in a state of near-constant panic like Seth and Jon.

Or so I'd foolishly like to believe.

I also got hurt twice at Lunacon. Thursday night, I got a bitch of a splinter under my left index finger nail. It sunk in pretty deep, and was really wide and splintery. Hurt like hell. One of the volunteers was an EMT (she brought her bag & everything & was SOOPER useful throughout the con) pulled it out for me (although we pretended she wasn't an EMT then, since she's 'technically' not allowed to pull out things from the body that aren't obstructing airways) although it took about 45 painful minutes to do so. Like I said, wedged in deep. I didn't cry, 'cause I'm a brave little toaster, but I did whimper a bit. Then I got glass in my heel on Saturday afternoon and had to pull that out. I was able to do that myself, and the glass hurt less than splinters.

I missed Christopher Moore completely, but ladyscience got a booked signed for me. Yay her! And quish very much impressed me in the Dealer's Room, but that's her story to tell. Let her brag. She deserves it.

A real con report may (but probably won't) follow, where I discuss panels & the like, but for now, I just wanted to get down impressions before sleep. I also have my birth certificate, so tomorrow is passport day. Huzzah!

cons, geekery, ramblings, lunacon

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