Thanks to ranecloude who brought this to my attention

Jan 23, 2007 16:08

You know, I'm not a huge comic fan, but even I'm tempted to go.

Comic Con: New York

Why, you ask?

Cause here's a list of who's coming--specifically, those I care about:
Brian K. Vaughan--Runaways
Stephen King--don't make me beat you
Stan Lee--ditto
Alison Bechtel--Dykes to Watch Out For
kradical--he's just adorable
Greg Horn--cover art for Emma Frost
George R.R. Martin--so I can get MY book signed, since I was THE WORLD'S BEST BEST FRIEND EVAR
Kevin Smith--yes, as in Clerks
Jhonen Vasquez--to molest him for claireoujisama, if nothing else. He's currently working on a music video for Mindless Self Indulgence.

$45 for the weekend before 02/22. Unfortuantely, its the weekend before Intercon. And hotel prices in NYC would be a joke. But's tempting...

firetruck! firetruck! firetruck!, cons, geekery

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