Da Vinci and stuff

Jun 11, 2006 04:22

I just finished the Da Vinci Code I enjoyed. My impetus for reading the book was seeing the movie. I was about 30 min into the movie when I told myself, "Damn, now I have to read the book." The good sides to the book are that the plot is intriguing and spellbinding just as they say. However, anyone who says that the movie is just like the book has never read the book or didn't see the movie. But there are these disclaimers I'd like to give to anyone who takes this fiction for fact. The list of Grand Masters has no other evedince to back it up that they were acctually involved in the Priory of Sion. In fact the PS doesn't even exist historically for the past few hundred years. According to records they owned a bit of land but the money dried up and they dissappeared. There is no indidcation that they are connected to the Templar Knights. I know all this cause I watch the history channel. The thing I found funny is that the Sacred Marrige ceremony that I assume all PS Grandmasters par took in couldn't have happened with Sir Issac Newton because his last words were that his proudest achievment was that he died a virgin. As far as Da Vinci being a Grandmaster that also seems unlikely given his penchant for leaving things unfinished.

On another note I had an idea for a weight loss drug that could be delivered through inhilation like a cigarret without the carcinogens.
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