Doctor Who: Ginger

Mar 09, 2008 16:13

Title: Ginger
Pairings/Characters: Doctor/Captain Jack Harkness
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I would love to own these characters, but sadly I do not.
Warnings: Takes place before Reset in Torchwood.
Summary: It’s been a few months since that year with the Master was erased from the minds of Earth’s population. Who knows how long it’s been for the Doctor ( Read more... )

fanfiction, doctor who, fic

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flinkkamingo3 March 11 2008, 00:07:18 UTC

I especially like this part:

Most times the Doctor went unnoticed when he took casual strolls on planets or through space stations until he came across some sort of corruption built on a foundation made of toothpicks. The Doctor picked his teeth and regimes ended.

I've cast Simon Woods as your ginger Doctor.


shadowqueen28 March 11 2008, 00:22:55 UTC
Wow, Simon Woods is an excellent suggestion. Where'd you find him? He's gorgeous! Reminds me a bit of Simm!Master (though I don't know if that's a good or bad thing).

Haha you quoted the exact same part of my story that the person three comments above you did. It didn't strike me as a particularly wonderful line, but now I'm truly flattered. And of course thanks for reading. :) I've got to get a Who!fic out of you sooner or later. (Sooner since I just watched four episodes today featuring the ninth Doctor.)


flinkkamingo3 March 11 2008, 00:51:54 UTC
He's Mr. Bingley in the Pride and Prejudice that came out a few years ago. You should find some pictures of him from that as he's quite adorable. His hair is sort of Ten-ish, actually.

Writing DW fic just seems so... intimidating, I don't know. We'll see. But most likely, if it does at some point happen, it will be angst. Fangst, if you're lucky.

If you're looking for some good DW fic you should, as I mentioned previously, check out some of orange_crushed. She's incredible. She has some amazing VM fic, too. I've already promised her a shrine.


flinkkamingo3 March 11 2008, 00:54:23 UTC
From P&P:

... )


shadowqueen28 March 11 2008, 01:32:10 UTC
He's so beautiful. He looks pretty good as a redhead, too. I read somewhere that it isn't his real hair color. Also, I didn't recognize him as from Pride and Prejudice! (Even though I love that movie. It's been a while since I watched it.)

DW fic is not intimidating. If I can do it, you can do it. And I think you could write Rose quite nicely (and by Rose, I mean angsty-Doomsday-Rose).

I will now check out this girl to whom you have promised a shrine.


flinkkamingo3 March 11 2008, 01:59:32 UTC
Well, whether or not it is his real hair color, he should keep it that way because I just want to play with it. In it. Roll around in it and surf it's tiny little tsunami.

Oh, there would be SO MUCH ANGST, no one would even want to read it. But we shall see. Man, I've already got fifty thousand VM fics half-finished that I actually want to do something with to keep my show from disappearing.

Let me know what you think. And let her know what you think. Tell her I sent you. Oh, and you should definitely, definitely check out Young Lions, The Scientist (DW fics), and Under the Wave, basically the best VM fic I've ever read in all my days.


shadowqueen28 March 11 2008, 02:31:54 UTC
I'm very intrigued by how much Remus/Sirius she has. They are one of my OTPs and I feel heartbroken that I discovered them two months after the entire series ended. Anyway, she likes a lot of the TV shows and books I do, so thanks for the rec. (And did you say there was something Jack-ish?)

Also, not to poke you incessantly, but icons? May I ask of their progress?


shadowqueen28 March 11 2008, 02:34:18 UTC
Also: "Roll around in it and surf it's tiny little tsunami." omg I'm laughing so hard right now. I would also love to surf his hair.


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