another year of college is snapping at my heels

Aug 27, 2007 01:37

Thinking about making my journal friends only. Or have been thinking so for a couple months.

I don't really like the idea of random people looking around my journal, especially since I've divulged personal stuff willy-nilly. Friendly snoopers are okay, but we all know what the world is like nowadays. I consider myself a fairly private person. My ( Read more... )

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knbarnes August 27 2007, 17:47:11 UTC
I like your icon!


shadowqueen28 August 27 2007, 20:06:05 UTC
Lol of course you do! It's Gale Harold showing off his beautiful arms! I can't wait to get back into QaF. I miss me some Brian and Justin.

Oh, and look at this Desperate Housewives promo. The season starts September 30th. I guess they're not really killing off Eddie.


knbarnes August 28 2007, 02:45:45 UTC
Yeah, and I'm still using the one you picked out for me in, like, January.

That was really cool/cheesy. What's with the Susan in lingerie scene though? haha


shadowqueen28 August 28 2007, 03:24:22 UTC
lol I thought I gave you more Scarlett icons than just that one?

That was really cheesy, but I like all the old fashioned clothes they're wearing. Or lack of clothes in Susan's case. I didn't really get why she was lying around in lingerie either. Bree looks AMAZING though, as always. Did you hear there's going to be a gay couple moving onto the block?


knbarnes August 28 2007, 04:30:58 UTC
No, actually I did not hear that. In fact, I've forgotten most of the plotlines unfortunately. Male or female though?


shadowqueen28 August 28 2007, 05:02:45 UTC
Why MALE of course! They better be hot, too. We need more hot gays on network TV. (Also Andrew needs to get back with Justin to make Bree insane again.)

If I find out who they casted as the gay couple, I'll tell you.


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