Christmas Eve fic!!!

Dec 24, 2006 12:09

Title: Braaaaaaains
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Veronica/Logan I guess
Rating: Some language, a lotta violence
Summary: Zombies invade Neptune. Things are always serious until the crack starts kicking in.
Notes: This is for Read more... )

veronica mars, christmas fic, fanfiction

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Comments 8

flinkkamingo3 December 24 2006, 20:04:07 UTC

Seriously. I'm thinking up the blueprint for a shrine to you as I type this. There were so many lines that made me laugh out loud and YOU KILLED DUNCAN! YES! And Paris Hilton, and Beaver, and “No!” he cried. “That’s not angsty! They can’t be together in the end! It would ruin everythiiiiiiiing!.

Autumn. You rule. The universe. My icons are not an adequate gift for you.

Oh, and you should totally post this in veronicamarsfic. Seriously.



shadowqueen28 December 24 2006, 21:07:53 UTC
Love you back, babe, but I'll only accept the shrine as official if it spans the entire length of your dorm room.

Thanks so much! I'm glad you loved it, as it was written specifically for you! (Especially the killing Duncan part.)

Looking forward to those icons. And I'll go post this in veronicamarsfic because I am feeling in the Christmas spirit. :)


flinkkamingo3 December 25 2006, 05:12:41 UTC
Ha, we wouldn't be able to move at all in my room if we did that. How about if we just say that the inflatable matress is a shrine to you?

Excellent! Maybe I'll go read it here.


shadowqueen28 December 25 2006, 15:37:11 UTC
Dude, Veronicamarsfic totally rejected my submission and I can't figure out why???? WTF!!!!!!


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