Wish at the Moon

Dec 03, 2005 23:56

Title: Wish at the Moon
Pairings/Characters: Nightwing and Steph-as-Robin
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Dick or Steph. I love them, but they need to be free, or as free as they can be when they're either put through hell or put through hell and then killed by the writers at DC Comics. Not that I'm bitter...
Summary: Nightwing and the new Robin reflect

Wish at the Moon

Robin cut through the air like a knife. She spread her legs apart, grabbed a hold tight of her jump line, and prepared for the jerk that came after the period of “free air,” as she called it. Caught intentionally on a gargoyle, she swung to the right to travel above another street and quickly looked behind her. No one. Then, as her imagination kept growing in spite of her attempts to stay calm, she completely let go of her jump line and took out a grapnel gun as she fell diagonally to the ground. She shot it across the street just as she saw the blur of blue and black. Nightwing reached out and came almost within touching distance, but Robin pulled on her line and swung deeply across the street thinking she could just about touch the many yellow cabs below her.

Ha! she laughed in her head. Her line caught an iron balcony on the building next to her. It catapulted her up into the air and she landed on the roof where she then ran across and flipped over the edge, again grabbing her grapnel gun and shooting it across the street.

Robin immensely enjoyed the feeling of practically soaring, pushing the limits, having the wind rush through her hair and against her face. She had to think quickly to stay above the streets and not end up as a scrambled egg on the sidewalk, but she was flexible and strong and it was completely worth the risk.

Nightwing was close again, she could see that, so she leapt onto the roof of the building he was passing and then jumped off behind him so that he was forced to turn around. She swung back, but used her grapnel gun to take her down the street to her left. She continued to go straight towards the tall building in front of her and at the last minute, she maneuvered left around it, but there Nightwing was again, so she had to pull herself up towards the roof to get away.

“Tag,” he said as he tapped her shoulder when she landed on the roof. He then landed several feet in front of her and quickly turned around with a smile. The jerk.

Robin frowned. She had been doing so well in avoiding him, but she shrugged it off and they circled around each other, the both of them knowing the game was not yet over. Suddenly, he leapt off the edge of the building.

Here we go, thought Robin, but she stopped suddenly at the edge and then jumped over in a blasé manner, landing on the ledge several feet below right next to Nightwing. She tapped him back on his shoulder.

“Tag.” She smiled and applauded herself in her head for thinking like her “opponent.” Then she flipped herself back up on the edge of the roof and breathed in deeply. Life was so much fun.

“Nothing like a game of rooftop tag,” said Nightwing when he had settled in next to her. He rested his arm on his knee and looked at her, a smile tugging at the right corner of his mouth. “How long has it been since it was this intense?”

“I bet it’s different in Blüdhaven,” she replied, her own legs crossed Indian-styled and her shoulders slouching as she caught her breath. “I bet you don’t fall forever.”

Nightwing’s smile morphed from a teasing one into a grin of amusement. “No, you really don’t.”

“And I bet it’s more dizzying, too, because of the sky. Because the sky’s so different here in Gotham than anywhere else.” She stared up at it to prove her point, but it was the moon, really, that her eyes were drawn to. There wasn’t anything special about it tonight; it wasn’t full or new or eclipsed or anything of that nature. It was average, it was bright and happy, it was growing, and it still did its job. It lit up the night and proved to criminals everywhere that they wouldn’t sell their drugs with the cover of darkness, or stalk their victims happily knowing that they weren’t the ones being watched. Because she would always be there. And she would be next to him, next to Batman or Nightwing. Even though she no longer had Tim, she could still do this. She could prove that the moon didn’t have to be full to be bright.

“It’s nice to come back to Gotham,” Nightwing admitted. He looked from her to the moon and back and smiled contentedly as the wind blew back his wispy bangs and evaporated the sweat off his cooling skin.

“Tim would’ve loved a night like this,” Robin said. “He says it makes it easier.” She turned to Nightwing.

“What do you think he’s doing right now?” she asked, falling back on her hands. Nightwing didn’t move. He just said,

“I think he’s sitting on his bed next to the window. I think he’s looking up at the same moon we are and wishing the exact same thing we are.”

“Yeah,” Robin said almost glumly, her response quieter than she liked. “I want him to come back, too.”

The End

robin, fanfiction, nightwing

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