[info] Index of My Fandoms (Version DETAILED PART 4)

Sep 26, 2009 02:40

Video Games

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga


·         SerphHeat

·         HeatCielo

·         HeatSera

·         SerphSera


·         Gale

·         Argilla

Final Fantasy VII


·         SephirothZackCloudAeris

·         TsengRudeRenoElena

·         RufusReno

·         VincentYuffie

·         CidVincent

·         VincentLucrecia

·         AerisTifa


·         Red XIII

·         Reeve

·         Chocobos

·         Barret

·         Cait Sith

·         Hojo

·         Jenova

·         Marlena

·         Gen

Kingdom Hearts (All)


·         AxelRoxas

·         RikuSora

·         SephirothRikuCloud



·         Organization XIII (Group)

·         Namine

·         Kairi

·         Tidus

·         Gen

Shadow Hearts (All)


·         (undecided)


·         (undecided)

Tales of the Abyss


·         AschLuke

·         IonAnise

·         JadeDist


·         Van

·         Natalia

·         Sync

·         Tear

·         Guy

·         Gen

Vagrant Story


·         SydneyAshley

·         AshleyHardin


·         Joshua

·         Hardin

·         Callo

·         Grissom

·         Samantha

·         Caspian

·         Gen
*This is NOT a comprehensive list of every title I like in each section. It’s only a list of the main titles I follow for fanart, fanfics, and fanmixes in each section. There are about a million titles in each section that I like and didn't list because I'm not as heavily involved in their fandoms.

  1. Pairings are not in dominant order. They’re partially sorted by preference, in that if I seek out the pairing on purpose it will be higher, but the names themselves are not in any telling order. Either of the character(s) can be dominant or submissive or both. (Ex. IchigoIshida is my preference in Bleach fandom but it could be either Ichigo or Ishida in the dominant position of the relationship.) This goes for heterosexual pairings, although I usually write the male’s name first. (Ex. KenshinKaoru gets written with Kenshin's name first.) The same principle holds for multiple characters in a pairing: Any order, any or all of the characters. In other words, even if my preference in a pairing with multiple characters is two of the characters together, if I'm equally happy with the third character being there, I will put it in as a multiple character pairing. (Ex. HeeroDuoWufei is a preference by itself but so is any story with Wufei in the dominant position of the relationship or with HeeroDuo or with HeeroWufei or just Duo or just Wufei.)
  2. The safe assumption for you to make is that any name in a Ship section can also be mentally placed into the Single section; they’re not there only because I wanted to keep the list as short as possible.
  3.  If a pairing or character is not listed here, it doesn’t mean I hate it, it means that I don’t actively search it out.
  4. Gen is the shortened version of General, which stands for “General pairings” and is translated into meaning “Not really about the romance”. (none) means none. (undecided) indicates that the series is a new one and that I’m still wavering about my mains. 

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