Amusing meme as stolen by a lazy ass ...

May 26, 2009 14:30

Swiped from confusedkayt:

Name your 10 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.

1. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter) - I don't know how they ended up my favorite above everyone else, but the truth is, I keep coming back to them again and again. And again.

2. Spike/Buffy (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer) - I was a Spuffy shipper before the show went that direction, it's my ship that drug me (not-so-kicking-and-screaming) into online fanfiction. And I would do it all over again.

3. Jack/Daniel (Stargate: SG-1) - The pairing I went to when I needed something other than Buffy fandom to keep me entertained online, before I was tempted with cookies to the dark side. (belleweather is responsible for my brain being held hostage by item 1 on this list.)

4. Kitty/Piotr (Uncanny X-men Comics) - In my heart, these two will be together, forever. They were my 13 year old couple of my heart, they were my 21 year old couple of my heart, and they are my 32 year old couple of my heart. Forever.

5. Alanna/Jonathan (Song of the Lioness Quartet) - Where Alanna ended up as an adult is right, but a part of me will always (every time I reread the story) hope that Jon will pull his head out of his ass or Alanna will kick the right portion of his shin and he will realize who he fell in love with and they'll find a way to make it work. This is my angsty love talking, some day ... naw, probably never get over it.

6. Francine/Katchoo/David (Strangers in Paradise) - Somewhere out there, in some version of the universe, this triad got their act together and worked it out before the tragic end. In the meantime, my heart mourns.

7. Buffy/Giles (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer) - Of course, there's always pairings that you don't necessarily believe are realistic that can still be fun and yummy and amazing to see the stories that come out of the conjecture.

8. Bobby/Jean-Paul (Uncanny X-men Comics) - I knew Northstar was gay before they announced it. Did I care? No. I adored the sarcastic Canadian anyway. When he had a crush in the comics on Iceman, the straightest of the straight, my heart just pounded for Bobby to get over himself and give in to the Northstar love. Fanfiction helped me savor this feeling.

9. Anita/Nathaniel (Anita Blake series) - At first, I was reluctant to think this was going anywhere ... and then he grew on me, and his growing up grew on me ... and DAMNIT, I liked it. and I still do.

10. Xander/Jason (crossover B: tVS & AB) - My guilty pleasure is crossover fic that works. Mostly this functions best for me crossing between Buffyverse & Anitaverse. I realize that pairing Xander & Jason together is like slashing twins, but every fic I've read with them together is so sweet and perfect and I feel pretty strongly that even if they didn't fall in love when they met, they'd definitely be bestest pals forever.

This concludes my pairings list ... enjoy analyzing it.


-Draconis Leona-

P.S. - Bonus points if you can identify the couple in the icon (not listed above). They are my number 11.


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