Quizzy thing swiped from
davidkevin ... the test results will shock noone familiar with my comic book geekiness. And I have even made my icon NOT give it away.
Your result for The Marvel or DC Test...
DC Universe
You are a god living among humans. Your power is unmatched, and you are well loved. On the other hand, the ease with which you solve dilemmas can be tedious at times, and if you are a newcomer to this world, you will be confused by the contradictory nature and overwhelming volume of this world's history. You spend most of your time teaming up with Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. During crossovers, you'll most likely run into Captain America, The Fantastic Four, or Doctor Strange.
Take The Marvel or DC Test at
HelloQuizzy Pretty picture under the cut ... stare at it. Love it. Recognize that Alex Ross is a comic book god.
That is all ...
-Draconis Leona-