What's keeping me busy between the lines ...

May 23, 2008 21:36

Hey all!

I wanted to let people here know that I've started selling things on ebay. The learning process has been slow in coming, but I keep taking one step at a time. Speaking of steps, here's the next one.

If you're interested in looking at what I have up for bid ... follow the not-bouncing link. As will come as no surprise to most of you out there in the ethernet, I'm registered under the name draconisleona.

I currently have some dvds up and will be adding several batches of comics this evening. Over the course of the summer look for a ton more comics, loads of books and records, along with all sorts of other odds and ends from my garage. If you're local and want to come pick it up from me, I'm sure I can figure out a way to not charge you shipping. If you're not local, feel free to support the "OMG one roommate moved out, one's not getting enough hours at work, and two more are looking to move out as soon as they give birth" fund to keep the roof over our head, too. I've got some nice stuff for sale. Some of it's on consignment, some of it's mine and it's just time to let go. I thought this was a good way of learning to let go.

In the meantime, my love to all and I'll write something more personally fulfilling soon.

-Draconis Leona-

P.S. - If you're out of the country, inquire and I'll figure out shipping, but in general for strangers I'm not willing to go through the fuss of shipping out of the country. The exception to this, of course, is for the people I love long distance.


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