"Adult" meme ... light on the adult, probably even safe for m-in-law

Jan 05, 2008 12:59

I blame mijan ... plus it was there and calling my name and I haven't done a meme in awhile.

1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
Um, yeah ... now, if you cut out all the people I have had sex with, there's still a couple on the list that if the circumstances were right I would totally have sex with. However, your window of opportunity is narrowing as we speak.

2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
Preferably morning ... or afternoon. Night is ok, but preferably morning.

3. On which side of the bed do you sleep?
Most of the time, the side where being on my left faces me off the bed. Although, periodically Robert & I switch sides for months at a time.

4. Pork, beef, or chicken?
Mu Shu Pork, STEAK, and chicken curry ... but given my druthers, I'd rather have sushi.

5. Ever have to pull over on side of road to puke?
Not yet ... but it's been a close call once or twice.

6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Nope. Not gonna ... not unless I lose another 70 pounds or so, straighten out some of my scars and MAYBE if I get an offer from Playboy I'll consider it. But I try to avoid doing anything that my grandmother could find out about and that I'd have to explain to her. It keeps me out of alot of trouble ... and has taught me how to hide alot of shit.

7. Shower or bath?
Both, just ask mtfierce.

8. Do you pee in the shower?
Well, if I must ... but I'd rather get out and use the loo right next to it.

9. Mexican or Chinese?
Tough call, but I live in CO ... I'll go with Mexican for now.

10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
Both? Ok, seriously ... I want a little aggression combined with a willingness to give over to pleasure. Unless you're Robert and then I like you just the way you are. (No further details.)

11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
Duh. Yes. My husband is on here for starters ... not to mention quite a few others, you know who you are.

12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?
99% of my flist, I have met in person. I'd say out of those, I know 70% well enough to leave them alone with my child for more than 5 minutes and another 10% well enough not to.

13. Love or money?
Love. Ye cannae buy it.

14. Credit cards or cash?

15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't?
Yup, but I'm mostly over it.

16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel?
Tough call ... depends on what's going on and who I'm going with. Say, Dragonfest vs. San Diego Comicon ... SDC wins, given then finances. However, Dragonfest vs. a crazy weekend with just my husband ... close, but D-fest will win out.

17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex?
In the truck, behind the Continental theatre. OR in the EXP, in the parking lot of my boyfriend's work. Take your pick.

18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money?
Nope, sorry, couldn't pay me ... alright, almost couldn't pay me enough to shave the head AND the genitals at the same time.

19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Nope, actually. No real desire to do so.

20. Ever been to a bar?
Yup ... tons.

21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?
Nope, but I have been thrown out of a McDonalds for laughing too loudly.

22. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?
I don't think so ... usually when I get that drunk, I'm near a bed I can be coaxed into.

23. Kissed someone of the same sex?
{beams} Mmmhmm. That's all I'm saying.

24. Favorite drink?

25. Had sex in a movie theater?
Not unless you count a fantasy I did once when I was working in phone sex. Don't go getting ideas.

26. Had sex in a bathroom?
Uh, yeah. Who hasn't?

27. Have you ever had sex at work?
Must I answer this question? Ok, yes. But I'm not saying which one.

28. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
Yes. I don't get embarrassed anymore, but it's not really on my top 10 list of to-do's either.

29. Bought something from an adult store?
Yes, see above.

30. Have you been caught having sex?
Define caught? If Alanna counts, then yes. Otherwise, not so much caught as broadcasted so noone would interrupt.

31. Does anyone have naughty pics of you?
There have been naughty pictures taken. I don't know if they still exist.

32. Have you ever called someone the wrong name during sex?
Nope. Thank goodness I can keep that one straight.

33. Who do you think has the guts to repost this?
Hmmm ... alot of my friends do. I'm betting on mtfierce and maybe xylass. I'll second mijan's money on hazelhawthorne, when she gets around to it.


-Draconis Leona-


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