I am easily influenced. In this case, by
emmagrant01 and
From the
hp_fridayfive1. Which is your favorite Triwizard Task? The underwater tasks because it supports my subversive nature that says the reason that Harry would miss Ron the most is because it's love. {grins}
2. What's your favorite HP reference in another fandom? Buffy, Season 7 ... Willow telling Giles not to go all Dumbledore on her. {fangirl squees and claps}
3. Which HP character were/are you most like as a teenager? Honestly? {ducks head and mumbles} Harry Potter
4. Which would you rather have: a niffler or a Pygmy Puff? Haven't a bloody clue on that one. I suppose I'll go with Pygmy Puff because it sounds spiffy.
5. You have enough Polyjuice Potion to last one day: who do you choose to morph into? {ducks head in more shame} I'd give 1/2 to the right volunteer so they could turn into Harry Potter and take the other 1/2 to be Draco Malfoy and SHAG LIKE BUNNIES! I mean, really, if you're going to be fantastical enough to assume the existence of Polyjuice, may as well take it all the way, yeah?
Silliness over with!
-Draconis Leona-