So, I was looking at maybe finally cleaning up my gmail inbox. And I found this:
Federal Standard W-86 Reason for Not Gaming Form
Fill out in full. Press hard you are making 3 copies.
Purpose: Your team must replace you, your character and your gamer snax (tm).
Name: Draconis Leona
Character name: Kit
Race: Human
Class: Slayer
Party equipment/treasure you carry: NONE since my Dawn-crystal was stolen, unless you count a unique sense of when, where and how to pin other slayers to the ground.
Food you usually bring: I don't know if it's bring so much as cook, since you're already here and usually
judith_dascoyne paid for it anyway.
Sorry ass reason you don't think this game is important enough to attend**:
Now wait a second ... I think the rest of you should fill this one out, too ... since I'm filling it out for the session on the 3rd of September which is being overridden by the cute one's 5th birthday!
Reason your friends should accept this (check one of the following):
_ (a) It's a wedding/baby shower/funeral that I must attend because I am the bride/groom/mother/deceased.
_ (b) I have the blackmail/checkered past disad and this person knows all about it.
_ (c) I will be out of the state and/or incarcerated.
X (d) Other - enter your reason below. Subject to Game Designer approval.
How about your child will never speak to you again if we override her 5th birthday in favor of a roleplaying game? (Admittedly a really fun, really good roleplaying game that I'm jonesing for, but still, do we need to scar her anymore?)
Initial box and sign disclaimer if you accept the GD will play your character as an NPC.
____ I, (name) _________________ accept that my GD will play my character (name and class) _____________ as an NPC on (date)_______. I understand that PC as NPC status is dangerous and there are inherent risks to this act including but not limited to: potential loss of new treasure, loss of existing treasure and/or gold, use by any party member and possible destruction of magic items in your posession, permanent or temporary character changes, loss of clothing, failure to be healed completely or partially and "un-character"-like acts or statements. The GM will not be responsible for the following accidental effects: curses, marriage, sold to slave traders, sex change, race or alignment change, pregnancy, poisoning, infection or death. (signature)____________________
(Not a chance in hell ... the last time I let the GM do something to my character I wasn't aware of, I ended up waking up the next day with little to no memory of what I did, drunk, at a vamp-infested club in downtown Denver.)
If you do not sign this disclaimer it will be assumed that your character is "guarding the horses" during this portion of the campaign and you will not be entitled to any treasure share proportional to the time spend "guarding the horses". Initial here ____.
(Right, that's my option then ... but I want to see you (
xylass) work in Kit "guarding the horses" into a game set in modern day Denver ... aw, shit, it's Denver, you probably could.)
**Please note the "my car broke down" and "I have to work" excuses will no longer be accepted. You can take a bus, get a ride or walk. The game is more important than any job. The game must go on.
Answers to said form put together, obviously, with tongue firmly in-cheek. (Though I wasn't entirely unserious about seeing others come up with sample answers.
ETA: Have just remembered why I was avoiding sorting my email. Lots of painful email. Am stopping now. Too bad deleting isn't as satisfying as shredding a real letter.
-Draconis Leona-