... when I came across this meme on
shocolate's journal. Because we all know I am an icon whore I had to do it. Legally required and all that.
Icon Meme
Default Icon
(Using a image generation website, made by
(Until I get bored of it ... which will be soon.)
Oldest Icon
There's a tie on this one because I've had these forever and so cannot remember exactly which one came before which ...
(Made by
(Made by
(Made by
jagermeistress with artwork by
(Made by
(Made by
Newest Icon
Other than the default icon ...
(Made by
Saddest Icon
(Made by
Happiest Icon
(Made by me from artwork by
This just represents happiness to me on so many levels, between the marriage and the gay marriage and the Harry and Draco and the prettiness that is
fiendling's artwork ... it just is happiness to me.
Angriest Icon
(Made by
A bit over a year ago, I realized that over 25% of my icons were variations on angry and "fuck you" type icons ... when I realized this I knew that I had to stop posting so much when I was mad and that in order to help change this I wouldn't have more than two or three icons at any given time representing that mad feeling. (Which sucks in a small way because I've got a really great collection of angry icons that are well made.)
Cutest Icon
Shite! I've got four
potterpuffs icons ... I've got to pick don't I?
(Made by
potterpuffs with artwork from
Ok, I've gone for visually and conceptually cute.
Sexiest Icon
I refuse to choose, so you get all four five.
(Made by
(Made by
(Made by
(Made by
(Made by
Once upon a time, when I still had some of my hotter Jack/Daniel icons up, I could've picked just one, but they're not currently in rotation.
Most Humorous Icon
(Made by
Favorite Ship Icon
I have to pick one? AUGH!
(Made by
Favorite Fandom Icon
(Do I have non-fandom icons? {returns after quick check} Ok, I have a couple.)
(Made by
Icon You Use The Most
(Made by
Favorite Icon You Made
(Made by me with artwork by Dave Cockrum, I believe ... if I'm wrong, someone correct me.)
It was a crime to not have an icon of my first true 'ship', so I went out and made one because I was not happy with the very few I had found out there.
Favorite of the Moment
(Made by
There's just something about it that makes me smile ... intensely.
Favorite Overall
(Made by me with
fiendling's artwork.)
Is anyone surprised by this? I think not.
How many icons do you have total? 100
How many can you have? 100
If you could buy space for more, would you? Actually (don't have a heartattack) no. 100 is a good number ... anymore and I'd have an aneurism every time I clean the board and freshen up the icons.
Do your icons make a statement about you? Yup, I'm a fangirl. Yeah! Yeah! Beyond that, I'm pro-slash and gay friendly.
What fandom do you have the most icons of? That's a silly question. Harry Potter. {gulps} Oops, I was wrong. Buffy iconers have more to work with (what with 7 seasons of material and all) ... ok, HP people you have to get to work with the good icons already. Buffy & Angel - 33, Harry Potter - 27, Star Wars - 6, Stargate - 4, Others - 30
The second most? See above answer.
What ship do you have the most icons of? Harry/Draco - 5, Willow/Oz - 3, Jack/Daniel - 2, Kara/Lee - 2, Sirius/Remus - 2, Harry/Severus - 2, Spike/Buffy - 2
How do you categorize your icons? - By primary ship, character or fandom.
Are your icons mostly made by other users? - Yup and I am pro-credit giving.
Do you make icons? Yes, but only when something must be made into an icon or when a bunny bonks me over the head and is very insistent.
Are they any good? Only because I use the best content available.
Animated icons are... cool if done right, headachy otherwise.
In general I think icons... are addictive.
Back to work now. No, really, I mean it.
-Draconis Leona-