Nov 03, 2010 18:20
From an article I just read comparing Boehner (who will admit I think is a buffoon and an oompa-loompa) to Gingrich. This is at the end:
"But politics, too, has its price. Fear of electoral failure can make you impotent in office. You spend the years between elections ducking the risks of leadership. You wedgislate and hedgislate, but you never really legislate. For the sake of your career, you waste it.
"That's what I admire about Gingrich and Obama. Obama may lose more seats in Congress than Clinton did. He may be thrown out after one term. But he'll have accomplished more than Clinton did, because he focused on doing the job, not keeping it."
Career politicians are the worst kind as far as I'm concerned. If your motivation for all campaigning, voting, and acting is to get re-elected, I don't want you in office. I hope we can get things done.
I also have a student who is really starting to piss me off.