Jun 29, 2008 04:54
Currently i can not sleep. And im hungry. And i can't find anything that i want to eat. It probably involves cheese and good bread. And sugar. So, the doctor thinks its a girl(we got pictures!) but they aren't sure. We found some old books from my childhood. Well mine and my sisters. I started reading to her. I went out with my family today. We celebrated their birthdays. We are getting so old, its weird. I did some more studying and added a couple of more classes to my schedule. I have 12 hours now. Whoopy. Actually its been pretty interesting, i guess cuz i have nothing better to do then study. I don't have to work currently, so i might as well take advantage of the time. I'm not quite sure why i can't sleep. Mew. i get to go get a massage tomorrow, that will be lovely. Yea! And relaxing. It kinda hurt last time, i didn't realize how much tension i was holding. But, I've been slightly stressed. Mostly with people. And i guess hormones.
I did get to talk to a friend of mine who i haven't talked to in ages. I miss her. Shes awesome. Unfortunately we didn't get to talk to long, but it was guht to hear from her. Hopefully I'll get to see her. I remember she was planning on moving to Chicago, but she's still in Austin, so it would be great to see her.
Hey...this thing edits your spelling...cool.
Yeah, i don't have anything actually interesting to say, I'm just wasting time till i can manage to fall asleep. Which may be a while.