(no subject)

Jun 20, 2008 03:08

I can't sleep. I woke up feeling like someone was standing over me. which is kind of scary. D's snoring is also keeping me awake. But thats okay.

Anyways. i have one more paper that i need to write for my english class before i can take the exams. unless, my teacher says i will need to do revisions which i prolly will because thats just how it goes. I went to school today to remove a hold, because they love putting holds on my student account. Now, i have to wait till about 5ish before i can register for the other class i want to take. I feel like i might actually pass it this round. I've dropped out of college so many times. Much of it has to do with depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety have also caused me to isolate myself. I'm not as bad as i used to be i think. I was closing myself off for a while. Something i do when i feel like a major fuck up. Its not that i dont want people in my lives, there are just times i feel like it would be better for me to not say anything or do anything because if i did i would some how add to the problems of others.

*sigh* i'm somewhat of a loser. i think i found a new hobby, it may be a little lame, but it occupys my time and allows me to use my brain. I bought a puzzle today. It has horses and a train, and glows in the dark. Yesh, glowing in the dark makes it extra kick ass...well to me anyway.

I also decided to learn how to draw. Hopefully, if i do okay, i can combine it with writing.

I started designing in my head again, clothes that is.

I've been wanting to write someone a letter, but i don't know if i should.

Hummn. There was something else i wanted to say. Hummn.

My puppies results came back, non cancerous (knock on wood) Thankfully.

Okays, well im gonna go now.
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