Oct 02, 2008 14:52
Ah, see...I was supposed to be seeing Barack Obama for the second time now.
Too bad that didn't happen.
I knew that it'd be tough to find a spot. See, the rally was/is being held at Adam's Field (which is extremely small. Spartan Stadium would've been a smarter choice (to accommodate all those people, if it HAD to be outside...I would've chosen the Breslin Center). Bah, point is-- the doors opened at 11:30 and I had an exam at 12:40. The class and Adam's Field are nowhere near each other. PROBLEM.
So, Shereen asks me in class if I just wanted to bypass the whole thing and watch it on television somewhere warm. I agree. When we finish out exam, we head out, and then she decides that she wants to brave it outside so we can at least hear him speak. Fine. So we walk toward the field, and we see the line...Shereen keeps walking next to the line...I follow her...we get to the front clearing where the press boxes and such are and she makes it clear that she's going to bypass all the people (the line is NOT short) and just walk in.
Right around now, some old guy walks up to me and tells me that he had a class with me at Western. I do not remember this old guy AT ALL, but he's talking to me and introducing me to his friends like we're old chums. He's getting on my nerves and Shereen just leaves. I call her to see where the hell she went, and she stole someone's ticket off the ground and waltzed right in, and suggested I do the same. I told her to call me when she was done.
I just can't cut people in line, especially long ones like that. It brought me back to the rally in June, when we waited SO long before the doors even opened, and how people were yelling and screaming at me that I got in before them even when I was having a panic attack, going through temporary paralysis and needed medical attention. I just think it's disrespectful to all the people who did wait so long just to have the opportunity to see him. And Shereen saw him on Labor Day, so this wouldn't have been her first Obama rally either.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned. Would you have cut?