Oct 21, 2003 00:42
Song that's been in my head all night..Something Corporate..Konstantine. It's a really good song so I don't mind. Hmmm...so much I'm thinking about..so hard to think of anything to say. I'm having a lot of fun...I really am. I'm enjoying my life..I'm doing my school work, getting good grades..making up for that last month of high school where getting drunk..or anything else was a lot more fun than sitting home doing homework. I may get frustrated at work sometimes..but I don't mind my job, we have a lot of fun when it's not busy, and I have people there I can talk to, and hang out with. Home is ok..cause I'm never here..it's weird to be home..and stay home for the rest of the night instead of the 2, 3, or even 4 or 5 am time I've been coming home all week. Yeah..my dad got pissed, but I'm having fun, meeting new people, and learning more about myself. I've finally decided that some things bugging me are ok now, that it's over, I can deal, and I'm the one still smiling...a true smile..not the one hiding my frustration and anger. The ones who tried to piss me off, kill my sanity and fuck with my head are the ones that got fucked over. I feel better now.