Morality of man is to much to bare...

Nov 22, 2005 23:22 here is the deal!

We have roughly two and a half weeks of school left and with the papers, tests, presentations, and overall work piling up things are getting a little crazy! Not to mention the work but it is also the holiday season which always makes me nostalgic for friends and family...whats makes this even harder this semster is that while I am here in London having fun and living it up my family is going through one of the thoughest times a family can. My Uncle who is also my Godfather is dying. He has been a smoker for the majority of his life, roughly two packs a day since he was thirteen, and now he has lung cancer and is dwindling away quickly. As the holidays approach he is holding on for us more then for himself. Isn't it odd how we as humans always seem even in death to work to please other people? What makes me saddest is when I hear my mothers exhausted voice on the other end of the phone line pretending to be so strong in spite of her fear and saddness, well, it brings me to tears. I am missing my family and wishing I could be there with them in this period of time that I simply can't. I know I am not making any sense my thoughts seem to be too tangled up in my papers, morality, family, and the law and order episode we were watching!

Ugh...I miss home!
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