Title: The Gus Diaries - Part 21 - The Dance
Written By:
shadownycTimeline: About 8 years post-513
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Some angst
Summary: The further adventures of Gus in his teens after he moves in with Brian and Justin and proceeds through high school.
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Comments 64
I love how you intertwine B/J's past with the present and with Gus and Jeff. It's always so inventive and I love reading it.
Thanks for this, Rory
I'm so glad that B/J and G/J were able to brighten your day!
Yes, this was a follow-up to the bits and pieces Gus put together in relation to Justin's recent surgery and its initial cause. Also, all the stress and strife that it brought to his father as well as himself.
Now he suddenly has it hitting with a parallel event almost 14 years later.
I've always felt that the Abba song was much more intimate for B/J than Save the Last Dance, just because both of them remember it equally.
i love gus/brian/justin fics and its great to read a story of this type! love your writing - this chapter is really good - you can feel the confusion and the torment that gus is going through - we all had some form of teenage angst... and it isn't fun for anyone! you have dealt with this really well!
great writing - keep up the good work! (i have also friended you - hope you dont mind!)
p.s. if anyone has any recommendations for brian/justin/gus fics please send them my way - i love them!
I, too, love B/J & G fics. I'm glad this works for you. I try to keep a balance between angst, humor and schmoop throughout this fic.
There are some wonderful writers that have many wonderful fics (usually saved in their memories or listed as links on their LJ recent posts page). Some of the writers I've enjoyed are, bigboobedcanuck, severina2001, jans_intentions, mickiebg and many more...
If you like wonderful future schmoop...that actually starts in the present you might want to visit Moonshadow Tribe (I'm archived there as well with all my fics, including a recent post-513 fic that I wrote in November) and check out Thyme and Sabina's section where they archive The Sunshine Files series:
When you get to the site scroll down to find the link to their site (and anyone else's you might like to visit).
Happy reading.
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