AmeriCorps-Kansas City, MO

Feb 18, 2015 20:41

So I promise I'm still alive. Just can't really post a whole lot about the program without getting in trouble. You know, national programs take offense to personal opinions about the program ;)

Any who, I can say that last year during my first round, I was in Washington D.C. for five weeks and it was AmeriCorp's 20th Anniversary last year on September 12th. So my team and I were fortunate enough to go...and I met the President! And former President Clinton :D Oh...right. And one of the other best parts about that? It was held at the White House! :DD

Let's see...what else. Well next after Washington D.C. was off to Kansas City, Missouri :) I like this area. It's pretty and nice.
Though I still miss the ocean and trees and mountains...

Then went to my brother's for two weeks during Christmas time. It was soooooooooo nice to get away for those two weeks. And now I'm in the second round, back in Kansas City and the second round is almost done. Going to be back on campus in the middle of March and then the last round is pretty much the whole month of April and then the best part! Graduation is Thursday, May 7th :D

And sometime after that, I will be getting a job. Don't know what it will be but it will be something that I can help pay off my student loans.

And that's about all I'm going to say (or feel like saying anyways :D)

update, program

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