Team Leader adventure update

Jun 29, 2014 12:11

So once the Corps Members get here, I'm not sure how much time I'll have in updating but I am going to attempt to keep a log. If I have to have it written out, I will do that. Not long hand (I'll type that part out) but going to keep details and what I feel and all that fun stuff. But currently they're not here so here is what has been going on so far...

Today! We had all day training on 15 person passenger van. But will get to that in a moment. Yesterday was half with AmeriCorps law office lawyer dude and the other half was with Unit Leaders…about Policies and Procedures. Also had our shots on Tuesday. Oh yeah need to write about that too. Haha Will have to pull out my schedule but for the moment need to go check on my laundry since I forgot I had chocolate in my cargo shorts pockets when we were out in the vans driving them. Bahahaha
So to start off from Tuesday we did policies and procedures of what is expected of Team Leaders as well as Federal Employees of AmeriCorps. And I took a break from writing (actually got busy ahaha) so it is currently June 29th which is a Sunday. Anyways the policies and procedures wasn’t too bad. It was just a long time because the Member Handbook is long and dense…which makes sense because someone did one of this “misdeeds” and have to make sure that they are accounted for. Or something like that. You know, all the fun lawyer talk that makes things more complicated than it really should be because people try to pry the line and get as far as they can. So the Member Handbook is designed to hopefully curtail those but you know how young adults are….
Anyways I can’t really remember what all we did and I don’t have last week’s schedule in front of me so pretty much all I know is that on Thursday we did the van training where we watched a couple videos (which is required) about safety in driving in all sorts of conditions. And what you’re supposed to do in certain situations, yada yada yada. Pretty much like a regular car, just 3x as big. Haha Anyways then Thursday afternoon we went out with three vans and did an obstacle course where we had to use “backers” and “fronters” to help not hit cones. Then we sped up to 25/30 and slammed on the breaks so we could see how horrible the vans are at stopping (especially when they’re all loaded down they weight about 10,000 lbs or 5 tons). And then  we had to back up into parking spaces because that is what we’re required to do when we are parking these vans. We have to back them up so the next time we get in them, we just pull forward. Another safety thing apparently. And then Friday morning we had drivers training where we took the vans out and actually drove them on the highway. And all of us passed so no big deal there. Haha then Friday afternoon we did financial training which was boring and the lady kept saying “uh” a lot sooooo that lost my interest quite a few times…which sucks because finances are important when we’re Team Leaders since we’re in charge of everything. Shopping for our corps members when we’re on campus and when we’re on Spike…as well as the traveling. But it’s nice because we do a whole bunch of research before we go BUT if it’s an emergency or as well call it “FEMA flexible” who knows where exactly we’ll end up since they might change our destination at the last minute. And then later on that afternoon we did some more Team building exercises where we can then apply those to our Corps teams. Yippie.  Annnnd that was about it. At least for the training part. Afterwards, I went with a fellow Team Leader to the mall where I got sucked into a book store while he went to figure out his glasses situation haha! So I bought 1984 because I’ve never read it before and I’ve been wanting to since High School. Sad I know but *shrugs*. Then after that, got some dinner food from Kroger, ate it in the kitchen then went out to this bar called 1311 and played some pool (more like was taught how to play it better) with some other Team Leaders (and a couple Support TL’s). which was fun. I’ve always wanted someone to teach me how to play Pool (billiards, whatever haha). Annnnd finally saw “How to Train Your Dragon 2” which was after the fun Billiards (and drinking Guinness) adventure.
Yesterday, Saturday 28th, I went with five other TL’s to the Confederate Cemetery (which was awesome) and The Lower Mississippi River museum or something like that. Get to learn all about the MS river and the Army Corps of Engineers in their efforts in patrolling the water ways and helping to reduce the flooding issues that occurs. So that history was really neat. Then ate lunch at this one place that I’ve been wanting to eat at since I sat in the airport in Atlanta…called Walnut Hills. And my gawd, the shrimp po-boy that I had was DELICIOUS. Annnnd that was about it for the day. Came back and hung out with other TL’s (quite a few left for the weekend) while reading my book…then cooked some dinner and watched Star Wars episode 4. Bam that was a fun one. And today, Sunday, just got done play a couple games of croquet where I won one! And now I just wanted to type all this out before I forgot and get distracted more. I also need to check my Hotmail email considering I can’t access that on my phone. I probably could but I prefer not to. I also need to make sure I pay my credit card bill before next weekend since its due July 13th. So yeah, that’s about it so far. It’s been really fun though. Learning about all the different TL’s and hanging out with smaller groups of people, getting to know them a little bit better and then moving on to another small group. Or one on one conversations. *shrugs* I’m getting through it. I do have to admit that I did break down last night before falling asleep because I miss my dad and I have a saved voicemail from  him so I listened to it…I miss his voice. I miss his advice. Because I know I could call him if I had issues with my Corps members and he would be able to give me sound advice and keep me calm. I know I’m going to get frustrated, stressed, hopefully keep my confidence up and not let me emotions show much because they are usually close to the surface. But I’m strong and I just have to keep telling myself that and I know he is proud of me but I still miss him. And typing this out currently with no one around is good since I am crying…doesn’t help that my cycle started this morning so I know that is also a contributing factor. Anyways, enough of that, I’m going to see what else is going on around here and put sunscreen on my feet so they don’t get sandal burn marks again.

americorps, father, update

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