Chocolate festival and mobile picture uploads

Sep 23, 2012 22:18

So yesterday, Saturday September 22, I went to a chocolate festival that was on the Buda side. And OH. MY. GAWD. was there chocolate and chocolate and chocolate and more chocolate @_@

I wanted to buy so much and try so many things but obviously helps if you have money to afford it all >.<
It cost 2000 forint for the entry fee but got a bar of that counts for something right?
And I had dinner there as well. Vegetables (mushrooms, bell peppers, brocolli and a couple others), potatoes, onions and some part of the pig that I can't even remember right now. It was really good though! And then I had this delicious cake with honey *mouth drools just thinking about it*

And the delicious hot chocolate I had!

And here are some more photos from the Chocolate fest!

Buda castle!

Buda castle from the tram stop Vigado ter (can't do any special characters over the letters. Poo!)

Chocolate festival!

The main entrance to the chocolate festival

Lindt booth! I got a free piece to eat :D

Delicious marzipan no?

Wonders upon wonders of marzipan!

*wants to nom all the chocolate*

My camera kinda sucked at taking this night photo...Fail

Vanilla in dark chocolate with 77% *noms*

Caramelized Lavender Flower petals in milk chocolate with anise

Free bar of dark chocolate with cocoa nibs that got when going into the festival

Big bag of marzipan!

Chocolate chunks with macadamia nuts

Marzipan! Can't remember what is inside though. Vanilla maybe?
And...let's see. Oh finally got around to buying some postcards haha So I've sent ten postcards so far. One to my parents, brother, best friend (and her family), to my uncle, three aunts, half-sister and a really good friend. So *counts* One, two, three, four, seven, eight, nine...oh and the last one is to my other really good friend that I've known since I was one years old or so. So they should receive them by next month sometime. haha

My mom also sent me a box so hopefully I'll be getting that at the beginning of next month since it will have peanut butter in it and I'm missing my peanut butter!!!!! And some warm clothes as well. Can't forget those. haha

And here are just some random pictures I have taken over the course of the past couple of days :D
Gyro: dough that's stuffed with meat, onion, cucumber, lettuce, tomato and a ranch dressing/sauce of some sort

Lango: deep friend dough that can put any sort of toppings on. I had one with Nutella and bananas <3

Grant Hall Market. I love this place. It's so fun to walk around see everything that is being sold. And delicious fresh foods are the best too <3

The entrance of my apartment building looking out onto the street.

Entrance looking in. The elevator is to the left where that white piece of paper is on the wall there.

Stairs going up...and up. I live on the second floor...but since they have a ground floor, then a half floor then the first floor, I technically live on the four floor in US floor numbering haha

Hallway to my apartment which is to the left and two doors down.

Hero's Square here on the Pest side. It's about a 5-15 minute Metro 1 ride depending on how long each stop takes.

Hero's Square

Hero's Square

A Church I found where there was a wedding going on..

It says "In the memory of WASHINGTON, The Hungarians of America 1906"

George Washington, First President of the United States of America....
I'll admit when I first saw this, I was in disbelief...then I started chuckling just because I couldn't believe it...It' random!

Nissan Leaf!!

Toyota Prius Hungarian style! *snickers*

Example of a car roll over

Next phase

And we're back!!

A cool little contraption I saw! It's a weird little bike thing..

Opera house!

And last but not least, a lovely view of Buda Castle as the sun is setting from the Pest side...waiting to go to the damn Chocolate festival since the lovely school organizers were taking forever!! I wanted my chocolate! *cuddles said chocolate* Now I has some..

So...those are all the pictures from both my camera and phone. This coming week I have lovely chapters to read for my history classes, get to prepare an oral presentation for my British Civilization class about education in US and Britain...Thank you professor for requiring it for us native English speakers *mutters* But it will definitely be good practice for my public speaking skills. Oh nerves how I loath  you *shakes fist*
And practicing my Hungarian is the main priority. Oh fun. Practice, practice, practice is the only way for this lovely mind to remember languages *sighs and goes to practice, practice, practice*

pictures, school, budapest, life

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