Title: Bow ties are cool
Rating: T/PG-13 (mentions of knickers/panties)
Characters and Pairings: TenII (aka 14th Doctor for me)/Rose
Disclaimer: Go ahead and sue. You'll be talking to Pikachu lawyers
Author's Note: I'm not a writer for
then_theres_us, but that doesn't mean I can't be inspired from there pictures and write about them. =]
“Rose Tyler, are you wearing a bow tie knickers?” The Doctor inquired when he walked into their bedroom.
Indeed, Rose Tyler has positioned herself on their bed in a very lovely and seductive way. She radiated an aura that sent the Doctor’s blood down south.
“If I recalled Doctor, you once said “Bow ties are cool.”” Rose answered her husband seductively.
“Bow ties are cool.” The Doctor managed to say before he lost all senses, strolled over to the bed, and captured her lips.