News flash!

May 25, 2006 12:53

I've got a car! ^^ I call it Waffle! (In Sweden a cars driving license sign has three letters and three numbers, my car = WFL, which I choose to read as "WaFfLe", incase anyone's interested.) Now all I have to do is pass the driving test, and I'll have my driving license!!! And I can drive around in my very own car!!! I've been walking around singing "I'm in love with my car" to my self a lot lately. XD
I'll tell you all a secret, the day I'll do my driving test is the 27th of June. Unless I'm not ready, at which case I'll be forced to get another time to do it. But I've decided that I WILL be ready when the day comes, even if I have to drive every day until it's time. So there! I will do it! I WILL make it! >:D

I've also decided that June will be "Cross Pairing-Month" And the idea was that I'd post something HP/cross over with other pairing at least once every week. You heard me! I can be anything. Comic, pic, sketch, doodle... You name it. I have a lot of ideas... >:) Although I guess well see how well it goes, seeing I've had snupin chibies that I'm going to show you, but I've been to lazy to post them... -.-'
But because my driving license must come first, it may be postponed to July... :(
I've also decided to start working on Wings of an Angel and Sayonara BlackBird properly. And start getting all the ideas I have out of my head... Making my bunnies run, sort of speak.
I wonder how it'll go... ^.^'
Anyone who thinks this sounds like a good idea? Encouragement much needed appreciated. ^^)
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