Rant a'la bakery!

Dec 01, 2005 16:44

Or something.
Yes! I feel like ranting about the place I work at now! I got a bit of a chock yesterday when I realised I'd been there for a month. A MONTH! Imagine that!
...And I only get around 450 Swedish kronor for it. *sulks* (but not too much, I really like it there ^^;) I'm not hired, I get my money from elsewhere (that you get for being unemployed). It really isn't much. Hell, buying a card so I can take the train there and work for a month costs 550! And I buy the cheaper ones, because I'm still under 25 years of age! My saveings...!
Well, if I'm supposed to be fair about matters, it's the money my parents sawed for me... To take my driving licence. I take one lesson a week, costs' 520. >.< And now Christmas is coming up. Dose anyone understand me for feeling just a itzy bitzy economical pressure? I'm not a spender, I'm used to have lots of money. So I can by things I want. And now I spend more money than I get. It feels so wrong...
*a-hem* Right, 'twas supposed to be about work... Like I said, I'd been there one month. It means I only have one "scheduled" month left. O.o Nooo...! I don't want to leave that place! Although my time there can be prolonged, they might hire me to. Although I don't think they'll do that until/-less I've gotten myself a driving license...

Some random facts;
- Box-stabbing is fuuuuuun! (my opinion)
- Sugar is explosive. (Witch never cease to amuse me).
- No matter how wonderful you think chocolate is, you do not want it in your wounds. (You also don't want; hot water when washing hands, anything citrus, well, you really don't want any of the things you can find in a pastry shop in a wound.)

I might add that you don't want to inhale chocolate either. It makes your throught dry/itch with a sweet, fluffy taste in your mouth every now and then. Almost like icing/powder sugar...
I was air-brushing some bakelser (ha, ha, Swedish lesson for you! I don’t know the English word…) with chocolate today! That's how I know that inhaling chocolate is unpleasant -.- Anyway, when I went to change I was so busy checking so that I didn't have a brown stripe across my head from the hat (everything you wear on the head is "hat" for me right now, and I'm to lazy to go and look it up) I almost missed that my nose was completely brown! Air-brushed with chocolate! It gave me a start, and then I laughed at myself silently. Imagine travelling home (it takes 45 minutes for me) with your nose covered with chocolate! I don't think the embarrassment would have ever gone away! >.<
And then for discovery number 2. I was going to release my hair from the "bun(?)" I keep it in while in the bakery when I felt the hair in the sides. It was all stiff and stuff! Like you'd have had hairspray in it! And I went all "WTF? I washed my hair yesterday!" And then I realised. Chocolate! It was from the air-brushing! And I had quite a laugh over it. Imagine;
Chocolate Hairspray - The Next New Thing!
LoL. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you could by stuff like that already. ^^D I can totally picture it being sold somewhere. Like in France. Or USA. Or in a sextoy-store near you. ^^

And I just now got some food in my stomach. The world is lovely again. ^o^

work, rant

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