Here, a pic, for those who want to take a look...
Sketchy.I was working on a (or should I say 4) pic's but I thought "No! It doesn't look sketchy enough!" (I was in a mood for sketchiness) and did the sev-with-blood (witch happens to be how I want the last pic in the series will look) on the back of an old receipt (?). Because that's what I use them for. -.- That and writing down stuff I thought up.
And then I drew sev who was a younger version of a cut out scene from my 4-pic's pic. Although I might re-do it some day, and put down all 5 of them on one paper. Instead of 2 and 2, as I'm currently doing... And lastly I did child-sev. Holding the mysterious "BOOK" by I. Sagit. Is it because I'm tired, or is that actually funny? >.< Or maybe I just got a lame sense of humour... Or both. But I'm actually proud of it, I had no pre-sketch to speak of, I just drew. And I think they turned out pretty ok for that.
And I spent a couple of hours working on my SSSGE pic. But because I didn’t save often enough, a lot of work was wasted…