But damn! I am proud of it! (And it's not even coloured properly, I haven't the sort of pencils I need nor the skill so it doesn't matter anyway.)
Severus' head is ...big, or something. It looks weird. But I'm satisfied with the rest of 'im! And I'm REALLY happy with the leaves and the "three-frame". Especially after all the time I spent on it... -.-
I didn't know any good autumn songs who's lyric I could use so I thought "Let's write something cheesy instead". It started of with Sev trying to explain that he loved autumn because it reminded him of Remus. To him explaining/thinking about Remus asking him why he loved autumn and he couldn't answer because he couldn't tell Remus "because of you". But the texts always ended up so long...
Then I though about what's currently written on it, and I really like it. ^^;
Like the leaves in Autumn