(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 15:13

I can only imagine where my Nano notebook has gotten to... oi. I have the most important stuff typed up, but I was working on some character framework. Huh.

Did my finances last night, as in, I spent a lot of money over the weekend, and needed to figure out how much I had left. $36 in one account and $80 in another. Maybe now would be a good time to sell myself for money... T.T Not that I want to, of course, as much as I need money. I'm still holding fast to the "hold a bunch of checks until the end of the month, and then deposit them for bills" plan. I added up the ones I have so far, and it's almost $500, so that's nice. I still have one paycheck coming, next week.

Things that happened today that make me want to beat my face against a wall:

Thing 1 )

Waldenbooks finally called back. They hired FIVE people and went through the whole process of rehiring me, without telling me. The Assistant Manager finally called me today, after I've called her once and actually been in the store and talked with the Manager (Thursday, with I was out Nano-shopping with weaselwoman13) and she calls me today to offer me a job. My interview was over a month ago, and, in addition to that, she wants to work me pretty much the same hours that I'm working at Piercing Pagoda, and, if you've been paying attention, I have a hard time handling massive amounts of hours. Waldens wants me to work every day that I'm available. That's just not going to work, not with as much homework as I have, that I'm not doing. Plus, Nano starts in (~maths~) 14 days, and once that starts, I'm fucked four ways to nowhere, because I'll also be picking up more hours at the Piercing Pagoda.

Thing 2 )

The arcade in the mall called me back. You may or may not remember (well, actually, a handful of you may or may not remember) that I turned in an application there the day after we had our DDR adventure. When was that, anyway? Over a month ago. Apparently, one of their employees fell down the stairs and messed up his back, so they need to hire someone for, "Fridays from, like, 3-9, Saturdays from 2-7, or maybe 8... or maybe 9, if you feel like it, and every once and awhile, a Sunday". Is it a problem if the assistant manager is already one of my favorite people? He rocks t3h h4rdc0r3 (sorry for that). The only problem is that I don't know what the pay would be. I make relatively not stupid money at Piercing Pagoda, so I'll have to see what the arcade has to offer. The problem with retail is that you always start out at, or around, $6.00, if you're lucky. A lot of places go for min. wage, which is $5.15, last I checked. I'm hoping I can swing something close to $7 at the arcade, but I'm not holding my breath.

I did have to laugh, though. I think I'm pretty much the only girl that applied, since he knew exactly who I was, but admitted to having never seen me before (I mentioned coming in occasionally to play DDR). It was amusing - there is another girl that works there, though. I think her name is Sara(h). She's really nice, but has always come off as kind of... particular. As in, if your her friend, it's cool for you to hang around and play, but if your not, then... yeah. I don't know, maybe I'm making this up.

I really want to go play, now... I probably could. What do I have to do? Oh, yeah, study for Japanese... pfft. :P Nah. I can do that tomorrow, before the test. Not like I understand what's going on anyway... oi.


retail whoring, $$ i do not have

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