Happy exam news!

Nov 09, 2005 13:58

Heh -- it turns out that there was a mistake in one of the questions for the Psycholinguistics midterm, and the exams have been regraded. Everyone is a winner....

My mark went from 89.5% to 91.9%. And the 'participation in class' marks were posted, and I've got 100% on that. Just goes to show you that sometimes, it *pays* to be yappy and engender discussion.

Alas, I only got 85% on my Speech Science Perception midterm, but since it's only worth 35% of the final, I can still pull off an A in that class, if I work my butt off. (And let's face it -- there's a lot of butt there to work off, lol!)

I have one more midterm tomorrow, in Historical Linguistics. I think I'll do well, but I'll decide on that later. I certainly know the subject matter, and since there's a large chunk of Phonology on the exam (A+ in Phonology last year), I'm not terribly worried. Then, after the exam, I get to talk to the professor about the term paper. I found the most fascinating things, much of which won't be involved in the paper, but if I ever decide to work on a Master's degree, I have a huge head start on the ground research. I just wish that I could somehow incorporate the neat 18th century Gothic-script German book into things -- it's such a fascinating account of a man from Germany who decided to go to North America and travel with the Indians on the courier-de-bois routes, and translating the Gothic script to proper German is quite the challenge. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until after the exams are finished to read it. There are also quite a few interesting things from the late 19th century, including some phrases and words in Otchipway (Ojibwe, or Chippewa). Granted, the text is hardly what one could call 'politically correct' by our modern terms, but it's an interesting reflection of the time. Parts of it are wildly offensive, but I'm reading around that, to get to the actual subject matter, and it's proving to be a worthwhile journey. Perhaps I can use some of this research next term when I take Sociolinguistics.

All in all, I'm enjoying things so far, but there's still a lot of work yet. And I'm still waxing the cat on writing, but I'm using the NaNoWriMo as a cattle prod to get me writing at least a little bit every day. I'll consider myself having done a good job if I can manage to get 15,000 words done by the end of the month. I think I'm up to 2300 words, but I haven't done a check lately. Still, it's 2300 words that weren't there two weeks ago, and that can't be all bad.

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