
Feb 02, 2007 18:35

I live in a fucking zoo. I do, and I know that it’s mostly my fault but jezz. I get a call in the morning from my Boyfriend, its not to wish me a good day, or see if I’m up yet. Nope, it’s to inform me wither or not the dog shit on her morning walk. There’s a schedule posted on the fridge for who gets feed what when, and I'm not even on it. In addition to Newts, Toads, Frogs, Bettas, Rats, and a Dog; I also have Crickets I’m gut loading and bloodworms chillin' in the freezer. If a witch ever visited, she would have no problem finding ingredients for her next full moon brew. Speaking of which, Harry Potter 7 comes out on July something or other, it's time to place a pre order!

Creighton just called… the newt we rescued (it had part of its tail bit off by a turtle) died, but the other one is doing well. The new house I’m thinking of renting is currently a barn. No shit, the owners want to put a floor and a toilet in and rent it out. I think a barn is a wonderful place for a zoo don’t you?
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