Design Presentation and Mainstage Focus in one day...

Feb 01, 2006 11:50

Who the hell is in charge of scheduling, cause they need to be shot.

 <--- I believe this to be the first animated gif ever used in a lighting design presentation.

Let’s talk about yesterday.

So Monday night we had an impromptu USITT meeting, so we could vote on the P.O.’s needed for the airfare and board in Kentucky. Having to get those minutes out ASAP I wrote them up as soon as I got home, and then drove over to Ryan’s house to borrow his wireless internet to get them sent out. Then Ryan and I talked a bit about life and such. It was nice to have a conversation with someone in person; which for some odd reason that seems to be happening less and less.

Then I got home and prepared all of my Rounding Third Design Presentation stuff as well as prepped for the mainstage focus I had to orchestrate tomorrow. It wasn’t much, just a couple of renderings and a quick animation. For the focus I just had to get all of my paperwork in order and decide how to disperse my crew members. I got to bed about 2am… then the fun started, I could not go to sleep. I don’t know if it was nerves over the Design Presentation, or focus… but the last time I checked the clock it was past 5am.

When I woke up I noticed the light coming thru my window and my heart dropped. I checked the clock, 7:45am, shit! I was supposed to be at work 15mins ago. How could my alarm not go off, I checked it fifty time last night! I made a quick groggy call to my ME and bolted out of my apartment.

I arrived at work with the crew at 8am. I groaned when I noticed the tech table hadn’t been set up, and the designer had updated the paperwork the night before, meaning everything I had was no longer accurate. So, using the slowest printer in the history of… printers, I set Lightwright to print and hurried down stairs to set up a table, remote and lamp to run focus from. Izzy was already pacing down stairs.

“What are you doing???”
“Setting up a lamp so I can see.”

I ran back upstairs only to discover the printer and lightwright had messed up, provide me with a rather dyslexic Instrument Schedule. Oh well, I told it to reprint and flew back down the stairs to start focus.

In a calm voice I asked Izzy, “Are you ready?”
To which came an expected curt response, “Yea” which sounded almost valley girl…

Focus started at 8:25am. With arguing crew members, and a scatter brained designer the focus seemed to march on forever. Thank god, and kudos to our ME, the patch and hang were all correct. We ended the day at 6:10pm with 20 lights left to focus.

I snuck out before Izzy could have one of his famous end of the day meetings. I had a design presentation in front of the entire conservatory ( over a 100 people!) at 6:30pm and I’d be damned if I was going to be late to it because Izzy didn’t ‘understand’ something. I got to CBC at 6:20pm and was able to set up my stuff. I’m glad to say the presentation went without a hitch, although I think mine was a little dry. And by 8pm I was home eating pizza and watching family guy.

I got to work at 7am today and all of the paperwork is updated, and the lights are all focused.

I am so excited about finally getting to design an equity show. It’s not an easy piece… but I think if I do this well, it might be just what I need to recover from CMU.


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