May 07, 2007 21:17
I know, I know. I don't post enough. Not nearly enough, but I am now. That counts, right? I thought not. Anyway.
Lets seem how am I. In relative. Its all in balance. My health has leveled out nicely. I have joined a gym and been working out. Amazing how wonderful the activity makes one feel. I'm loving it. Granted I was not loving it for the first ten or so days. Then it was just subjecting myself to torture for reasons less tangible than usual. Now I feel great. Full of vim and vigor. My routine is to go to the gym every other day for about an hour and a half. Thirty minutes cardio on a really neat looking cross trainer machine the beeps at me and tells me my heart rate. Technology is grand. A nice cycle of weights and such, for to tone bits. Then 30 minutes on one of the bikes that beeps at me and tells me my heart rate. The point of all this. To look better. I'm an awful slave to m vanity ;p
Work is good. Simple. Mindnumbing. Uninteresting. It pays the bills though, and I like my boss. When he is not being my boss. Trust me he's a great guy, when he is not telling you how much your work sucks and you need to scrap things. Still he pays me, so I'll deal with his critque bits. He only means about half of them anyway. He has a very tough love management style. Yet he does not forget to tell people when they have done a good job. He pushes people to be better, nothing wrong with that.
Busy is the word that best descirbes whats been going on. Busy busy busy. Like a little bee. Yet I finally have time to work on a few hobbies and side things. This in general pleases me. I like knowing I can still art for me as opposed to for the money. The money is good, but I'd freak if arting for it burned me out on the fun stuff.
Speaking of the fun stuff. Some will no doubt know of the day of birth approaches soon. Whee. I have not figured out what I am going to do, but I better soon me thinks. Oh I also found out my reunion is going to be in September... in Kemah... on a boat. Fools, they have played right into my hands. There is no where to go on a boat. You think they would learn something in 10 years.
With that sinister thought I bounce off now. More later. Honest. Next couple of days tops.