Dec 01, 2007 08:35
Ugh. I hate being sick. I don't mind coming down with a cold, those I tend to shrug off easily. But this year has been 'fun' for me with whatever I manage to catch. Back in Jan/Feb I got a weird form of Strep Throat. There are two types of strep (oddly enough labeled type I and type II) and type II is divided into two catagories, alpha and beta. Alpha can lead to rhumetic fever (I think I spelled that right). Well, we found out that I had type II, but it was neither alpha nor beta at the time (leave it to me to take option three). It was also discovered that Zpack has no effect on me (this is the second time I've been given Zpack...neither time did it have ANY effect on me). They gave me some kinda sulfa drugs to combat it. It didn't work either. Heck, the nice Doctor took one look at my throat originally and said "Wow, that looks really painfull, I'm gonna give you a prescription for some vicodin to help you sleep and eat". That's a really bad sign, when they don't ask if it hurts and just do that out of the blue (these are not small vicodin pills either).
So, where am I going with all this? I got something again this week (monday I started feeling it). I even *gasp*horror* went to the Doctor on Tuesday. Nope, not strep this time (despite the throat looking just as sore, and no vicodin prescription). But they don't know what I have...again. Heck, the nurse when I called back Thursday to check on my test results, was so worried about how I sounded, she got the Doctor to give me a script for some antibiotics (which has managed to help a little). But I'm still needed the damn vicodin to sleep. *sigh* And on top of this, it seems that on Thursday night, what ever I have, decided to add some nice pink eye into the mix (either that, or my sinuses decided that since they wouldn't/couldn't drain the normal route, decided that the tear ducts would make a lovely display...EWWW!).
So, in short, I hate being sick.