At this point, I have the vague idea that I'd like to try for period dress so long as that project comes together next semester. If not, I'm also toying with the notion of costuming by colour for each character, or perhaps coordinating the colour scheme of the whole show to keep it cohesive. In that case, obvious colour choices would be red and white, with perhaps different shades of brown to tan as well. I keep envisioning Iago in black, but I think dark blue, red or purple would also be effective. If I were to costume each character in a different colour, my thoughts on colours are under the cut as they're definitely not certain or even optimal by any means:
Othello: white and dark brown, gold, red Brabantio: dark blue or brown Cassio: green Iago: dark colours, purple Roderigo: yellow or orange Doge: white and red Montano: light blue Lodovico: same colour as Brabantio, in different shades Gratiano: same colour as Brabantio, in different shades Desdemona: white wedding dress, red(?) day dress and white nightgown Emilia: white and whatever colour Iago ends up in - blue or purple Bianca: greenNow, if a project aiming towards period dress -did- come to fruition, I would absolutely love it if we could make the costumes just a little bit whimsical... more like a Renaissance that should have been but never was, than the reality of the thing. Give the costumes a bit of personality, flair, and people in SPT a chance for costume design.
EDIT: Tuesday 30th September
I'm still thinking white and red for Desdemona, but green for Iago and Emilia and perhaps a dark blue for Othello. I'm thinking of dressing the men in various old-style military cosrumes, though I'm not sure which period to aim for with the women. I don't think the period has to be concrete - anywhere from the 1600s through to the early 1900s, so long as it's clear that the play is set in the past.
Setting Othello as "other" is going to require some good costume work. His General costume (read: medals!) would be sourced from the military wear, but for his Venice wear he still needs to be set apart somehow. He's getting married - a suit? While everyone else is in pyjamas or off-duty soldier clothing (t-shirts, boots, trousers...)