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Apr 24, 2007 11:37

My darling EnglishVoodoo treated me to a night out at the theatre on Saturday. He would have kept it a secret, except it came out in a random conversation with friends that I have an inexplicable weariness of the show my man wanted to take me to;

The Rocky Horror Show!

I think it was the fault of "the psycho ex", who hated it, still for reasons unknown to me. You'd think I'd purposefully and totally delve head-long into the movie, musical and cult-fibre of it all, just as a small hint of retaliation, but I didn't.
But the show; it was GREAT! I had a really good time. And the best bit:

Richard O'Brien himself played Roxy, the usherette, and played his favourite song from the musical, then the intro & came back on at the end!
To have the writer himself, "Riff Raff", involved was a huge bonus, especially for an enthusiast like EnglishVoodoo!

I really enjoyed the show (even did the TimeWarp) and it was lovely to have something special to do in one of the few evenings the 2 of us get to spend together these days.
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