You Suck Paramount/Nickelodeon

Jun 27, 2009 15:32

All right I'm pissed. I saw the recent castings for AVATAR(<--they freaking about that the last airbender) and quite frankly it's offensive with the lack of asian main characters and extra casts which a MASSIVE FAIL!!!!!! I'm not sure about their acting skills but they definitely do not portray the characters accurately. I mean come on!!!! No offense but the actors playing Katara and Sokka are white caucasians. Sokka and Katara are ,although not directly, based on the Inuits. Filipinos, southeast asians, and native americans can closely portray these two Inuit-based charas.
LOL they actually got zuko and sokka flipped. Zuko is played by an indian guy. Zuko could be played by white actor but an northeastern/far east asian actor would be best to get the accurate essence.UGH all of them are way off. The actor noah could pull it off but goddamn this filipino kid is much better in proportion to body mass and accurate asian descent. Noah has a chubby face ugh.

This guy is half-filipino btw. He is capable of polishing his acting skills!!

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