Apr 10, 2013 07:54
So. I have cellulitis in my left shoulder.
(Avoid looking it up and looking at pictures. Really. You've been warned, and mine is not as bad as 95% of them anyway.)
Why am I posting this here when I recently said I don't really post here? Because it hurts, and I'm whining.
I have described the pain as being like getting punched -really- hard in the shoulder. You know that bone-deep throbby ache, I have also said it feels like the world's longest lasting muscle spasm. Yesterday I could barely talk, it hurt so bad.
I have antibiotics and Norco. Norco lets me sleep bout two hours, be upright for half an hour, then its time to sleep again.
It does not really stop the pain.
Longly short version: Send me cute animals and funny things to look a. If you talk to me on AIM, forgive my lack of thereness.
There will also be no writing until this is over. Yesterday I dreamed the neighbor's house got raised. By SWAT. Helicopters and guys in body armor and lots of shouting.
Except that never happened.
So the writing will keep.
general life updates