Dude, finally I get to see a new SPN ep when everyone else does.
Such an awesome show. Who loved Ava? I thought she was fab and funny. I love guest characters who are actually good, natural actors. It should be a given, but just watch a few eps of Numb3rs and you'll see this is not always the case. My mother still heartily dislikes Ellen, but while I do agree that she came on too strong in the beginning, she didn't bother me in this episode. I have to say my favorite thing was Dean begging Sam in the beginning, his eyes scrunched closed, saying 'please.' Very well done and genuine. I just love seeing tangibly how much the brothers care for each other--how Dean would willingly give up hunting to keep Sam safe, his agony when he thought Sam was dead. Sibs who care for each other (and I actually mean this in a non-inappropriate way) just hits so many of my happy buttons. I just wish this show came on at a different time or day so I could see it right away every week! :-\
Rewinding a bit to Smallville
OMG, Lana, can you be any more idiotic? At least Clark shot her down because geez. ::rolls eyes:: As usual, my mother and I remark more than once, "this dialogue is atrocious." My mother can't take Michael Rosenbaum seriously, especially with the bald head, though she finds it amusing to think about him with the movie!Lex wigs. I mentioned that he's in Sorority Boys wherein he dresses up like a girl and has a long wig. And what a crazy coincidence, but that movie was on at that precise hour, so we watched him in a miniskirt and came to the conclusion that he could pass as a girl if we didn't know better. I do wish we had some good shots of Clark in the Green Arrow get-up (ones without him kissing Lois). To be honest, my first thought when we saw Clark as Green Arrow was, "If I were Oliver, I'd tell Clark, 'You had better not stretch the leather.'"
Rewinding a bit more to House
I know a lot of people didn't like this arc, and I do agree that we didn't get anywhere. House put on an elaborate show, and is right back where he started. I do have to hand it to him for fooling everyone; it's just so House. Still, what I want is a long Tritter/House fic with a nice push-and-pull between the two, wherein we have some real character development to properly wrap up this arc. I don't expect House to be fixed or Tritter to be a nice guy, but I would like some real resolution with them both learning something. Unfortunately, most of the handful of Tritter/House fics around fandom are non-con or BDSM, neither of which I have any interest in and don't see as particularly plausible (I mean, isn't House taking Vicodin to keep the pain down?), or have House/Wilson as well, and a big squick of mine is having more than one pairing for one character in a given story/arc (I'm a 'pick a pairing and stick to it' kinda gal). So yeah, House/Tritter, House barks, Tritter bites, yes please, thanks. I have a feeling there won't be a fic with this pairing I'll be satisfied with unless I write one myself, but that's so not happening.
So, I've finally watched some Torchwood. I think my problem is with whoever directs and edits the show. The way they cut it makes me cringe sometimes. Still, Jack/Jack? GUH.
new Mac/PC ad, wherein Mac checks out PC's, er, peripherals? So adorable.
I'm surprised everyone else is surprised that David Beckham is coming here to play. Wasn't his wife looking at properties in LA some time ago?
OMG, the
cover for the second issue of the upcoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 comic is gorgeous!! Dude, Xander!
Does anyone have words they use too often? In RL, I say "Dude" a lot. I probably use "like" too often, as well, but at least I don't sound like a stereotypical Valley Girl when I do it (but then I finished elementary and jr high school in the Valley and never met anyone who spoke like that). But dude, I can't help saying "dude." ;-)
ROME on Sunday! The perversion! The intrigue! The violence! Huzzah, I say.