(no subject)

May 10, 2010 19:35

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mothers on my flist and beyond! ♥ Had a lovely lunch with the parental units, grandmother, aunt and her boyfriend. My aunt's boyfriend brought his new iPad for us to take a gander at. It's pretty cool. I gave my mother a card with Superman on the front. She loves Superman (though probably not quite as much as she loves Thor ;-)).

40 cafes in Los Angeles will be serving out coffee in Dexter cardboard sleeves. When the sleeve gets hot, Trinity will appear behind Dexter! I wish they would list the participating cafes because I need one of those.

Good gracious, the Jonas Brothers are playing a free concert at The Grove on Saturday. It's going to be a zoo over there.

Lena Horne passed away. This is not acceptable. A goddess like Lena Horne should be able to live forever!

Everyone's seen these already, but three of the USA crossover commercials are out [White Collar with Psych, Burn Notice & Wrestling]. I think I kinda sorta ship Neal/Gus. I hope they release the promos with the Royal Pains cast soon!

But my favorite thing of the past week?  Pinto de Mayo, ie. Chris Pine & Zach Quinto take a stroll in NYC, and ZQ gestures a lot. I usually hate smooshed names (I seriously cringe whenever I see 'Tibbs,' 'Tiva,' and 'Dastiel'), but some are just too amusing not to love. Pinto is one. Sassy is another.

Karen Gillan interviews Matt Smith. They are so adorable and goofy together.

Full trailer for Christopher Nolan's latest, Inception. That looks rather intriguing. I forgot Tom Hardy was going to be in this!

NBC has picked up Amaury Nolasco & Cole Hauser's series, Chase.

Oh dear, it looks like Lie to Me and Human Target are fighting for FOX's last remaining timeslot. :-\

Vote for the US Figure Skating Readers' Choice Skater(s) of the Year!

Scroll down for a cool little 3-minute live-action Street Fighter short film.

The first webisode following the making of Sara Bareilles' upcoming album, Kaleidoscope Heart. And here's the first single.

And now, most of last week's TV talk (the rest I'll probably lump with this week's eps):

Pics from upcoming episodes of Castle. And what a coincidence because I was thinking of this very thing not two weeks ago: castlekink.
Not much to say other than I enjoyed it. Except for Rocco DiSpirito. Go away, Rocco. ::makes shooing motions:: I think my favorite thing was the end when Beckett chose catching up with her old friend over the date with Demming. I do like Beckett/Demming, though I know it won't last. And from the promo for next week, I might start shipping Castle/Beckett/Demming. And I'm cool with that. ;-)


Um, well. To be entirely honest, I thought this episode was really boring. About 20 minutes in, I was starting to feel restless, but I held out until the 30-minute mark when I said out loud, "This episode is really boring." And my mom immediately starts blurting out all sorts of negative comments. She obviously didn't want to say anything in case I liked the episode, but once she knew I didn't, it just all came flooding out.

I see what they were trying to do. Even Ziva caught the parallels. ;-) I've seen Laura multiple times. But what Laura had that this episode didn't was a sense of tension and any sort of interest in the gal we were looking for. I'm a Gene Tierney fangirl (I was considering using a picture of her as my LJ header before I found that Hirsch/McAvoy picture) and find her mesmerizing, so I can understand why Dana Andrews would want to find her. But this lady, I couldn't understand Tony's fascination with her and the show couldn't make me care about solving the crime committed.


Well, no surprise about how that ended. I had thought writers making a character they don't know what to do with into a prop with occasional exposition dumps was pretty bad (read: White Collar), but having a character they don't know what to do with be kidnapped, disappearing for many episodes, only to bring them back and kill them immediately is even worse. Both are awkward situations, but at least the actors can move onto better roles now.

Can Nate be the next to go? ;-) I know I'm mean to Nate. He's supposed to be some sort of comic relief on the show, but I don't find him at all funny or very useful.

Until they say otherwise, the lady in Sam's bed is his sister, who is in town for a few days and can't sleep on the couch because it's too lumpy. ::floats down Denial River::

Song clips from upcoming episodes of Glee.

Highlight of the episode? "You Can't Touch This." I LOLed so hard.

Is Kurt in a kilt? Or just a skirt?

Emma told off Will, thank goodness. And right in front of the faculty, which I found especially amusing.

Not so amusing: Molly Shannon. Unlike Sue, who is manipulative and mean but also hilarious, Molly's character is just mean.

And Rachel managed to offend Jesse, Finn and Puck all in one fell swoop.

Clip from this week's FINALE of SPN.

While watching, I was following Misha's live tweets, which made for a very amusing experience. I particularly loved him referring to himself as "the smart looking Columbo guy"and further remarking on his intelligence, deep voice and muscular physique.

Castiel's apology to Dean was hilarious, too.

Matt Frewer! ♥ We didn't get a lot of Matt Frewer, but it was probably better that way because ick.

Crowley restored the use of Bobby's legs. I was not at all expecting that. That must have been some kiss. ;-) From deathisyoureart: According to vancouvernights(Member of the crew): "Mark messed up the iPhoto as often as he could. It took, like, a million tries. The crew was on the floor in stitches near the end." You are a naughty, naughty man, Mark Sheppard.

I loved Death! Dean & Death need to go out some more, sampling cuisine in various locales and passing judgment.

Castiel has lost his angel mojo. :-( But at least he can still beat people up and use a gun just fine.

My thoughts on SPN are always variations of \o/ and /o\. \o/ Bobby can walk! /o\ Castiel sans angelic powahs. Terribly lacking in complexity. But the finale for this show is probably my most anticipated for any show I currently watch (Fringe probably comes in second, then Vampire Diaries). I am insanely curious about how things are going to shake out this week.

Promo stills from part 1 of the two-part season finale of Fringe.

This week's episode had an especially X-Files feel to it. Martha Plimpton! I ♥ Martha, and her character was fabulous. I hope her sheriff can come back sometime in the future. I'm also glad that even though the murderer was just a local crazy person, Peter didn't turn out to be hallucinating about seeing Newton and the other other-sider. I knew the Secretary was Walternate! But it still made me :-O!

The Pacific

::blinks hard:: Wow. I thought the past two weeks were hard to get through. Well, that was nothing compared to this week. To say that was upsetting is an understatement and I know I never want to see this episode again. But it was affecting and it was amazingly executed. They've done a great job showing the way Sledge has changed over the course of the miniseries, and especially how events in this episode changed his frame of mind. Snafu remains crazy and hilarious and somehow comforting. Sledge and Snafu even had a domestic.


How dare you get Noel Fisher killed, Peck! I was ready to wring Peck's neck myself after all the boneheaded things he did that got other people killed. I am at least glad Leyden didn't kick it, too.

Only one more to go!


I don't know why Janette wastes her time and interest on Davis. Jacques is way more awesome. But oooo, so Ladonna's brother worked at Janette's restaurant! Wasn't expecting that!

It was very satisfying to see Ladonna serving that cheat of a contractor those legal papers.

Yay, a second line! All the characters in one place! Boo, an idiot started SHOOTING PEOPLE. >:-( And it scared Mr Bouncer away!

After doing several ridiculous and idiotic things, Davis wisely decided to end his feud with his neighbors.

Creighton's krewe is pretty funny.

I also love Toni's multiple purses.

What a surprise it was to see David Morse!

Well, at least Antoine has two trombones now? :-\

glee, ncis, castle, spn, treme, fringe, ncis:la, the pacific

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