Halloween Round-up Part 2
West Hollywood Carnival:
- My brother said that there were a lot of Michael Jacksons, Balloon Boys, Dia de los Muertos (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), and of course, many drag queens. This is WeHo, after all! He also saw a great guy dressed up as Will Ferrell in the 'More Cowbell' SNL skit.
- Flickr Sets from sdoorly, jesusskatboarding, famoussd, LislisL, yausser, basboyblair, alanak, DLNewey
- Several Johnny Depp!Mad Hatters: 1, 2, and a whole group.
- Sushi Chef + sushi bar, a fortune teller + booth, Twitter, an Emmy, Disneyland teacups, Publisher's Clearinghouse, Rice Krispies, sweeteners, Chrismas tree, Jack in the Box (eating In-N-Out), Colonel Sanders, Bob's Big Boy, ice cream truck (and she gave out real ice cream), jellyfish, Tetris, more Tetris, Craps
- Lots of Mario, as well. Super Mario Kart 1 & 2, and a group.
- Princess Diana, Frida Kahlo & Vincent Van Gogh
- Superman with the cops, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Superman, Wonder Woman & Green Lantern, gay Robins, Carl & Russell from Pixar's UP, the house from UP, WALL-E, Leeloo from The Fifth Element, Sweeney Todd with Pirelli & Mrs Lovett, men as Charlie's Angels, men as Star Trek ladies, The Brady Bunch, Peanuts, Asian KISS, Smurfs, a Smurfette, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thundercats, King Triton, TRON, a lame Burt & Ernie kissing, Star Wars, Queen of the Damned, Kato & the Green Hornet, Sergeant Pepper!Ringo with Lennon and Yoko, and every year there seems to be a Tapatío dude.
- A dude as an undead Marie Antoinette, flowers in pots with a bee and beekeeper, a porcupine, a garden gnome, protesting against the current state of health care, steampunk, photos