::laughs:: If everything goes to plan, by this time next week, I'll already have everything I want for Christmas. I only wanted/needed two things. It was time for me to find a new robe, as I've had the same one for about 13 years, and it's been losing a lot of its threads because I wear it a LOT. My mom, being clairvoyant, tells me she'd been on the lookout for one I might like for a few years now, but never found the right one. Today, however, we found a very nice one that fits all my specifications, and it was 40% off! It was meant to be. My second holiday hope was for my family's annual Disneyland trip to work out. Barring any calamities or unexpected appointments, we plan to go next week. After that, anything else is gravy. I already have my snowmen Peeps, after all. ::twirls::
So much fun in Pushing Daisies!
First, I've decided I must have a videospam of Raúl Esparza, who plays Alfredo the traveling salesman. Why they have him on this show and don't have him SING is beyond me. This show is BEGGING for a Raúl/Cheno duet. I also made an icon of him last week, but I don't have a free icon slot open yet. Must do some cleaning to make room for it. I'm such a shameless Raúl fangirl, it's pitiful. They had better bring 'Fredo back!
Other random amusing PD things:
- Ned is Lord of the Pies.
- "C'mon Digby, let's bake some pies."
- Molly Shannon in the boat getting attacked by a seagull in a send-up of The Birds. ::snert::
- Ned in his vest looking very Han Solo, telling Chuck not to go to the Dark (or was it Dork? ;-)) side.
- "Don't mess with the pie hos." Chuck and Olive make such a great team. I also love how even though Olive is going covert ops, she's still in her sassy hat, heels and showing cleavage. ::laughs::
- Emerson telling Chuck that an attractive man who sells pie for a living like Ned really shouldn't be spending an extended time in jail. Oh yeah, if he was in gen pop, you can imagine how much the other inmates would like Ned. ^_^
- Olive baking a gun into a pie. Oh Olive, I love you. She's such a fabulous character. Even though she's sore at Chuck winning Ned, that doesn't keep them from becoming friends, and I adore their burgeoning friendship and their honesty with each other. And that Chuck isn't sore at Olive still being affectionate with Ned, just wistful. It does my heart good to watch these shows where people are all friendly, which this show shares with the TV show Chuck.
- Emerson referring to Ned as "our boy" and Chuck as "dead girl walkin'." It's not what Emerson says, it's how he says it.
- Chuck: "Footloose and finger-free."
- It's so amusing that Ned's the sensitive, non-confrontational one, while Chuck and Olive were ready to do whatever it took to take their competitors down. Olive running straight through the glass...::cracks up::
- Oh Ned, you and your honesty. But it's probably better to get it out now rather than years from now. Still, oh noes! Poor Chuck!
Thumbs up for tonight's CSI: NY, too. Really entertaining, and dare I say, a bit unexpected?
Dude, I was not expecting such an exciting and well-rounded episode! What a pleasant surprise! I had heard that Mac was going to Chicago and the Chief of Detectives (and why did I not realize that was Bubba from Forrest Gump, which, of course, also starred Gary Sinise?! ::smacks head::) would send Flack there after him, but I noticed some people assuming that there would be friction between the two because of this. Thankfully, that was not at all the way things went down.
- That Drew. He crazy.
- Poor Stella. Can TPTB never find her a nice, normal guy? :-\ Maybe she ought to swear off men and find a good-looking gal instead. ;-)
- Wee!Mac was so adorable with his flippy hair! Though they didn't have me convinced that Mac was younger than the middle brother, especially after seeing their grown-up versions face-to-face. Just no.
- Flack's tie was fun, as was his role in this episode. Lots of great lines and great scenes with Mac and with Stella. I love how he surprised Mac in Chicago. Sneaky boy.
- Actually, everyone was pretty awesome in this episode. Very capable and all that.
- And I don't really have much more to say. Everything was on the screen, and it was good!
And now on the CBS local news, they're talking to the CSI Head Makeup lady, and the prosthetics guy, who make the wounds and dead bodies on the show. Cool!
They also said on the news that next year random patrons will get to tour Walt Disney's apartment above the Fire Station at Disneyland and stay at another currently-being-renovated apartment above New Orleans Square. WHA?! Pick me, plz!
crimsonclad wrote a
Chuck ficlet.