(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 22:54

This morning, I did extensive burn workouts. I will be training my ass off in this heat while I can. I am back to the Spartan workout, but I am also doing 20 Dragon Flags, running 1 mile on the treadmill in the fitness center, and when I buy a swimsuit this weekend I will swim 20 laps. Our pool isn't all that big, but I also don't swim much so we'll see if I start at 10 laps or something.

Somewhere along the line I was told something pretty shitty by someone I thought I was close with, further sinking that feeling that I'm not *actually* important as far as anyone is concerned. It's disheartening.

Still, as angry as I am about it I'm not letting it get me down. There are worse things. Plus, I'm only about $1,000 away from a new car and I'm incredibly excited about it.

I need to get a new sound card for the tower. The parts I need to replace are really cementing the fact that I should just build a new one. I have a 7800 GTS that I need a new mobo for anyway.

I am going to Guitar Center today to decide once and for all if I like Schecter or ESP guitars better. I am leaning towards Schecter, especially with the C-1 Elite experience I've had, but we will see. I doubt they'll have the two I want to battle there, but I know they'll have the brands.Afternoon
Work today was actually kind of crappy. I was still in a funk most of the day from being angry all morning, and I was tired until lunch because I'm not used to working out first thing in the morning. On top of that, they have me skip tracing at work since my actual job doesn't give me enough to do during the day. Skipping is fun and all, but not when I have to do it all fucking day. I might as well have gotten my PI license for the extra pay, but I don't know if I can get the increase now that I'm in IT.

At lunch I had a Double Whopper with cheese and it was delicious. It is my new favorite fast-food burger. After foodstuffs I went to Guitar Center with Coda and played around a bit. He said he was impressed with my shredding. :-) I only dicked around with a C-1 Blackjack and an H-1001, but I think I got a feel for it. I may end up having both brands for different occasions. The H-1001 definitely tore shit up though.

It just occurred to me I need to call Craig back and tell him I'm up for the river. I didn't answer my phone all day for anyone because I was snappy. Sorry Craig!

When I got back from lunch I just dicked around on the OpenFire server and hung out with Amber. I taught her how to play WoW and I think she's hooked. Shame on me.Evening
After work I went out with Amber, Teddy, Coda and Jorjanna to Macayo's for dinner and drinks. We just shot the shit for a few hours, it was kinda nice. Teddy is a hilarious individual. I came home at around 10, which is a perfect time to use the fitness center, so I worked out more. I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder though, it doesn't feel too great. Shouldn't push so hard. :-( I talked with Candice a bit, she is neat. Had a fun time bitching about people that disappoint us. I talked with Annette, too, but that's because she is too much awesome.

Now, I am sitting around, listening to music and playing Diablo 2 on Goontopia, gearing up for Diablo 3 because I am a huge nerd sometimes.
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