On Tap for Today

Mar 06, 2015 13:59

Content Mills

Today I have a bunch of things I have to get done. First on my list is getting a quickie blog post done for Fiverr. I've had some luck with this new site. Even though getting paid only five bucks at a time sounds like it doesn't make any sense, I found that by offering a basic service for five dollars and then upgrading with more money is actually useful. (For those who really want to check out one of my gigs, you can see them HERE at Fiverr. Hell, you can even hire me, if you're so inclined.)

I have four articles to get done with one content mill. I also have another article that needs to get done with another mill. That plus some work from the ubiquitous Demand Studios should make my quota for the day.

Sky Warrior Books

On the Sky Warrior Book front, I should be finishing my story for No Horns on These Helmets and get the book into the right format. I have to start working on Zombiefied 3 and getting that into publication. I also have Adrienne Dellwo's book to finish editing and to do her cover art. I need to find another editor for Verna McKinnon's book, preferably a light editor. After looking at all the work I have to do, it really makes sense for me to have another editor take a look at it. I also have to check out which John Dalmas book we want to publish next. I have an editor for that, but like anything, I have only so many hours in the day.

Farm Critters

We named little buckling Skittles because he's a bit skittery. Last night, I discovered he really wasn't completely weaned, although his former owner didn't claim he was either. I gave him a bottle of milk this morning after he was screaming for food. He chugged it down. He had eaten the hay I'd given him the night before.
I'll try to get some pictures of him today and post them here and on my Facebook account. I've also got to give one of my turkeys another antibiotic injection. He's got some sort of respiratory thing and I failed to give him his shot yesterday.

And so my life goes for today. If I haven't mentioned any of the other many things I need to do for the publishing company, it's on the list, I just haven't gotten around to it. If somebody can clone me, I think I could make everybody happy.

fiverr, goats, sky warrior books, content mill, turkeys, writing life

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