Aug 05, 2005 03:37
Know what's a scary thing? Death. The main reason why it's frightening is because no one can really say what happens after it. Because in order to do that, you have to die. And once you do there isn't any comming back. There are religions that say that this will happen when you die, and that unless you live your life a certain way you won't fair well when your life fades away and you cross over to the next step. If there is a next step. How can anyone really be sure? People have explained that which they haven't understood with stories throughout history. Look at mythology and the greek and egyptian gods. How can a faith claim that they have the true religion, that their god reigns supreme and has power over all the earth. What if the bible, the quran, the torah, ect. are all just stories that were written to explain something people didn't understand. Religion in my opinion is a way to ease peoples fears about death, a security blanket in which they're promised what they truely want, eternal life. Free of worry, and pain. If religion was just a story created to help people it would make sense why people have chosen to believe in it. Because if you don't believe in something divine then what is there? This is where i'm at. I believe that there are some amazing people out there who have true faith. But i believe most people choose to believe out of fear rather than out of a wish to better themselves and help others. And that the judgement cast upon those of different faiths is hypocritical. I don't believe a person can ever believe in something %100 percent. Because then they must believe they've got the real answer. And people should always leave room for error or to expand upon that which they know. If you listen to only that which you want to hear then you'll never learn what's real. Ignorance is bliss some say, I believe that to be true to an extent, but if you're oblivious to that around you then can you really call that life? I don't know what happens when we die. But I know in the back of my mind that I believe that there isn't anything after life. No matter how much I'd like to believe in the stories told by people about the wonders after death. The only conclusion I come to is an end to a story. This is by far the scariest thought I've ever had. That everything can just end. When you die you're dead, unable to think or feel, simply gone. In which case everything you've ever done was meaningless. And you'll never live or feel again. You're whiped out forever and since you're no more you can't even care about it. You're simply gone. I believe there is only darkness after death, a blanket of blackness that smothers your senses and pulls you into its depths from wich you'll never return. Human like to believe they're special, set aside from the rest of the animals on this planet. But really we're 80% instinct. We may think we know everything but when it boils down to it all we really know is math and language. Why should our deaths be any different from those of animals. I believe that children are not only a way of having life carry on in the world, but a way of making us forget about our own mortality and worry about the life which we've created. When you die will you be able to look back and say that you truely lived? Will you be happy with the way you lived your life? Would you do it again? Or will you have followed worthless rules to end in a way no better than those who you cast judgment upon? I believe religion is a tool. Without it people would have less fear in a sense, for that which happens when the "sin" or when they're evil. People would realize their damnation and anarchy would spread. People may try to maintain order, but is there really a reason if life is for nothing. I believe life is an amazing gift but also a curse that people must live with. Because while it allows you to live, and experience what the world has to offer, it also comes with a price. From the second we take our first breaths after birth we're dying. Not to any disease or illness, but to the slow decay of time. Death is an end that claims everyone, a shadow that looms over our lives. A constant reminder that everything could come crashing down some day. I pray that there is a better end. But I find it hard to believe that there's anything else. So i intend to live my life. because we can't let death make us who we are, We can't allow it to steal the gift which we have been given. I want to live, and I'll take what comes to me when it happens. I wear my cross out of hope and fear, i believe that there is something more. But above all else i belive in the human spirit. There's a strength in all of us, you can feel it when there's a large group of people all on the same level of feeling. I find comfort in the fact that my death won't be the only one in time, that others will follow. whether to oblivion or rebirth. All we can do is live. And it's a strange thought to have. That while we may die, there are more people alive today than have died throughout the history of man.