Blarg and the state of being.

Nov 30, 2006 16:19

Alright, so I could actually write something serious here in which I discuss how truly frazzled I am due to friends, girls, and school, but instead I've decided to provide you with some fun quotes which, I am certain, you (my audience) will find far more interesting.

Almost all of these are from my CSCL prof. Very cool guy, very fun to listen to.

Robin on the assumption of risk:
"It's like when you're at a traffic signal and the big hand is flashing, saying 'not a good time to cross', and you're all like 'the fuck is that?!?' and start crossing anyway, and BAM! get hit by a car."

Robin on paradigms:
"It's about thinkableness."

Robin on warts:
"When you're in 6th grade, you have a sort of South Park image of yourself, you know, you walk into class and you're not so much a person as this giant, massive, pustular wart, walking on two short little Robin legs..."

Taylor in agreement to me after my comment of the 'uses' of stigmata:
"Yeah, Luke. You really nailed stigmata!"

Robin on the mind/body problem:
"Your brain is just a piece of meat. A thinking piece of meat. So it sits there, thinking about its meatness."

Robin on Empirical science methodology:
"Early hormone research was great. 'Hey! Let's toss some of this shit into the guinea pig, see what happens!' and then later they all say 'Hey! guinea pig grew breasts...COOL!"

Robin on his own disorders:
"I've got ADHD and OCD, which may seem contradictory, but really make a good pair. I'm scatterbrained, but I still get the job done!"

Robin on sexology:
"Now let's just queer the hell out of this for a minute..."

Robin an exorcist's authority over a demon:
"You never see someone being exorcised just sit up and say 'Fuck you! I'm a demon!"

That's about it for now. If I get any more, I'll be sure to post them up. :-)

Crossposted to my facebook notes.
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