A quick post before work

Oct 21, 2009 10:05

We leave for our honeymoon in two days. I don't think you guys need me to tell you how psyched I am. My list of what I have to do before we leave isn't too unmanageable, either.

In other news? When I get back, I will officially be one of the management at work. It may only be temporary, but two of us got pushed up to shift leads, because one lead is transferring permanently to another store and our manager will be spending the majority of her weeks at the same store (they are currently missing their manager). I'm hoping they decide to make me a permanent shift lead after the holidays, but I'll have to wait and see.

And back to my squee over the trip: this will likely be my last post before leaving. This means the other rpg peoples will not see me on the game for almost two weeks. My phone will be off. I will not answer email or respond to posts. If there's anything important/you want me to know, please email me. I will read them when I get back, but I can't guarantee the same for lj entries. I always get nervous when I'm just a couple days behind on my flist-checking.

Also, I'm reading a book that is so far amazing. Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. It's steampunk and zombies and alternate-history Seattle, circa end of the Civil War. Amazingly well done, so far. I intend to finish it before we leave. Won't be that hard, considering I don't intend to sleep Thursday night. If I want to sleep on the flight from Atlanta to Rome (which I do), I can't sleep.

And now, off to work!
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