Jul 16, 2009 17:08

Happy birthday to me! I've been getting amazingly awesome birthday wishes. Thank you all! So far, it feels like it's going to be a very interesting year, and potentially very strange, with a large side of productivity. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic.

The Silver Charm: A Folktale from Japan, Robert San Souci
A children's picture book based on Ainu folktales. It was a fabulous way to start all the research I want to do.

Ainu Creed and Cult, Neil Gordon Munro
Quite a bit heavier than a picture book with a lot of extraneous detail unrelated to my preferred focus, but a lot of good background info that I think I'll need. Despite the density, it's probably a necessary intro.


This leaves me with 4 more books sitting on my coffee table about the Ainu, and I think 3 more waiting at the library for me. ^_^

Also, currently sitting in my email inbox: an invitation to a JASC luncheon and an invitation to a reception at the Japanese Consulate General's house (also JASC related). I'm doing some scrabbling to make it to the luncheon and I think it'll be not too difficult to make it to the consulate's house, but this is where retail and retail scheduling comes back to bite me in the ass. But can anyone say 'networking'? This could really help me with the whole scholarship/going-back-to-Japan thing.

So I should probably stop procrastinating now. I want to do laundry before I go out for drinks tonight. And maybe I should get some writing-related stuff done too...

japan, birthday, life, reading list

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